How strong is Figarland Garling ?

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Coc most likely is inherited somewhat. Garp comment in mf alludes to this.
What do you wanna say about 84 bigmam kids , hiyori , and whitebeard son.

Ace didn't have plot on his side. He didn't want to be pk or a yonko. Zoro has plot. I specifically said if ace had plot armor lol. Ace was poropped up by WB to be the pk. Because wb saw his potential. But ace didn't want it. So he didn't live up to his potential.
when someone of akainu caliber is standing in front of you , Plot armour won't help.
pre-time skip zoro has no chance against Akainu either but new world ace and zoro have strength difference of sky and land.

You're missing the point. If bloodlines didn't matter, momo would still be a scrawny guy even if he got aged up. But he's not. He's a buff as f strong guy. That's all his dads genes. The work he has to put in to be on a commanders level is much much less than some random wano dude has to. That's advantage.
And that's exactly where I drew the line. except for appearence they inherit nothing. zoro inherited ryuma looks and mihawk imu eyes. which common in current world as well.

This isn't naruto. Op has always embraced the idea that your bloodline and family matters a lot.
Nope , both deal with family different way.
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