Anime & Manga Admiral Lee Hung's Rare Meme Repository

Sword & Admiral Quality

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𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
"I recognise that in the examples I mentioned, they changed their minds to agree with me" I am glad you mentioned this 😂

I didnt say Bogard is the best powerscaler just in this forum, he was also the best in OJ (at least between 2015-2017). I have been active in narutoforums also a year and honestly, didnt found anybody as good as him. Only Zenzu has a case to be as good as Bogard or better, i dont know.

I havent followed silverfire or sentinel really, so cant comment on that.

Anyway, I will still call any list shit which doesnt have Bogard in the top class of powerscalers.

Respect the OGs.
Fair enough, I did revise my tier list to place him in "high top tier-" after your post. Bogard's inflexibility in debates loses him points IMO. I've never seen him really change his mind on any of the issues he has strong opinions about.

We're now as close to erudition of human consciousness as the human race has ever gotten
Just me really, I love stuff like this.

No offense but i think paying attention to posters quality and ranking them in tiers is some clown shit. As if debating manga fights wasn’t bad enough.
I agree, but whether I posted it in public or not, the fact is that I would still do this in private anyways. I find stuff like this fun, and it helps me decide whose posts are worth engaging with.
Fair enough, I did revise my tier list to place him in "high top tier-" after your post. Bogard's inflexibility in debates loses him points IMO. I've never seen him really change his mind on any of the issues he has strong opinions about.
Why are you caring about who changes their mind? If the debater is right, the person will not change their mind just to be flexible or whatever.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Wait till we all start power scaling power scalers that power scale power scalers. :smithnie:
As the only one who actually gives a shit about powerscaling powerscalers, I'm obviously God Tier.

but ranking them is weird.
It is, I'm just autistic like that. You guys love me anyway though. 💋

@Bogard changed his mind on the only thing that matters @Veku
I'm aware, but merely a step above Cracker is not enough. It demonstrates the exact inflexibility I bemoan. Even when he does budge, it's only slightly.

Why are you caring about who changes their mind? If the debater is right, the person will not change their mind just to be flexible or whatever.
Hmm, there are a few reasons:
  • On priors it's very unlikely that someone would be correct on all their powerscaling opinions.
    • For example many of the people who currently believe Admirals ~ Yonkou previously thought the Yonkou were a level above.
  • If you cannot change your mind, then discussion with you is pointless. It's fine not to change your mind if you don't see sufficiently convincing arguments to do so, but if there's nothing in principle that could convince you to change your mind on a topic, then there's no point having a debate with you.
    • The purpose of a debate is for the parties to through discourse converge on the correct opinions. Ability to change your mind is necessary for that.
  • Often times, in debates I would lay out what exactly my partners would need to do to convince me of the alternate position, or alternatively what exactly I would need to see to be convinced of the alternate position.
    • I can be convinced that Mihawk is not a top tier for example. If some of the following happened I would revise down my estimate of Mihawk:
      • His bounty was revealed and it was below Weevil's or any other former Shichibukai.
      • His bounty was revealed and it was below 1.5 billion.
      • He was defeated by the Marine force that came to capture him and there was no admiral on board.
      • He lost to an Admiral and was unable to push them to solid high difficulty.
      • Zoro's final battle on Wano is against a low high tier character and they push him to at least high difficulty.
      • Mihawk reveals that he was trying his hardest to beat Vista.
      • Mihawk reveals that his WB slash was his strongest attack.
    • Mihawk being a top tier is my strongest held opinion of all the powerscaling takes that are contended, and I can in principle change my mind on it. If there was nothing that would make me believe that Mihawk wasn't a top tier, then debating Mihawk's power level status with me would be pointless.

The above opinions aren't about powerscaling in particular, they are my opinions on debates in general. I take discourse very seriously, and have exacting standards of my partners. I simply apply my standards for debates in general to powerscaling in particular.
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  • The purpose of a debate is for the parties to through discourse converge on the correct opinions. Ability to change your mind is necessary for that.
That's all very well and fine and mature, and I understand. But do you realise that the debate starts because the stances of two people are opposite in the first place, and that they feel strongly about their opinion, otherwise they wouldn't even have a go at debating?

And this is not exactly a place where someone can PROVE you wrong, unless if the manga shows it in the future (like you said "reveals" a few times). If Mihawk reveals, then Oda proved you wrong, not your debater.
The user @Cao Cao is easily on @Sentinel lvl.
I remember a discussion between these both where both quote each other 150 with a wall of text in the past
Cao Cao is easily top top tier debater, like easily.

Narutards have to spend their days in fear for reading @Cao Cao's evident posts against their favo verse in Comicvine. Especially the DB tards fear this man.

If there is someone who negs his debater purely with facts, it's @Cao Cao.


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Even back on OJ I took debates very seriously and was planning on writing a mega essay on how to debate properly before getting banned. I was an edgy teenager back then. I'm older and (a little bit) wiser (also much more depressed and less optimistic about the future), and my opinions on the importance of (and how to conduct) debates have only gotten stronger. Perhaps one of these days I would write out my accumulated wisdom. That would be a full fledged dissertation though, and by far my longest work yet.
Even back on OJ I took debates very seriously and was planning on writing a mega essay on how to debate properly before getting banned. I was an edgy teenager back then. I'm older and (a little bit) wiser (also much more depressed and less optimistic about the future), and my opinions on the importance of (and how to conduct) debates have only gotten stronger. Perhaps one of these days I would write out my accumulated wisdom. That would be a full fledged dissertation though, and by far my longest work yet.
You got banned??? For what? :milaugh: