General & Others What change to the series would make it significantly better?

Making the characters a bit more complex. With a few exceptions, most of them are painfully monodimensional.
Related to this It would also be nice not to have the usual Black and White clear-cut morality trope. A more nuanced narrative would work better instead: villains should have understandable motives (but NOT being sympathetic) and the Strawhats should be portrayed more as actual pirates rather than saviours of the oppressed.
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Kill Luffy. That would be a moment like at the end of the 1st book of ASOIAF (Game of thrones) just like 1000 times heavier since in OP nobody dies and even less the 1100 chapters MC. And all the choices that can stem from that point. The reader for the first time would be lost and without the assurance that either way the good guys always win and the bad one lose. Also look at how good are these chapters without Luffy compared to Wano.

But of course it will never happen.
Less plot armors and less asspulls

More deaths

Less luffy centric arcs

Focus on mugiwaraw and less on luffy (he is an uninteresting character at this stage)

Less fake hype

Less plotholes and irrationnal bulshit (like the whole sabotage amnesya wtf bs)

Less useless shallow side characters to waste panel time on each arc

Less useless sub plots

Less useless busty stupid bimbos

Actual character development for mugiwaras.

Focus on lussop and Brook.

Less perv sanji simping

Less pervyness in general

Innovate with new Jokes


Deaths are not a problem. The problem is faking it for the sake of tension. You don't need to have death to have tension. Sabaody had 0 deaths(or at least no important character was killed) and had enormous tension. Impel Down, Marineford just the same. WB and Ace just died at the end. Enies Lobby great tension without anyone dying. And many arcs were like that.

What really sucks is the enormous power gap Oda is putting on certain characters that are just unexplained. Pretty much how the hell Cobra and Sabo could take the same damage from Imu's?
Deaths are not a problem. The problem is faking it for the sake of tension. You don't need to have death to have tension. Sabaody had 0 deaths(or at least no important character was killed) and had enormous tension. Impel Down, Marineford just the same. WB and Ace just died at the end. Enies Lobby great tension without anyone dying. And many arcs were like that.

What really sucks is the enormous power gap Oda is putting on certain characters that are just unexplained. Pretty much how the hell Cobra and Sabo could take the same damage from Imu's?
I get what you say but you also need to take into consideration the context. In what kind of war does no one dies? When Oda showed "deaths" on screen they turn out to be fake-out deaths (Kinemon and the CP0 dude Kaido crushed) and actual [confirmed] deaths are just off screen (Izo and Ashura). For me at least Kinemon's fake death just made the raid lose all tension to me when Kaido, the big bad guy of the arc, can't kill half-dead samurai. In Saboady things were different because the source of the tension was different (that being the straw hats losing against the Pacifitsas, Kuma and Kizaru, thus getting captured, not necesarilly killed). But in a WAR most of the times the source of tension is the fact that people are getting killed and dying. Hell, when Izo died I unironically thought the guy was just unconcious cuz im just so accostumed to nobody dying here that I can't tell when a character is actually dead or not. So yeah, having characters, specially important ones, dying on battle will make the series better cuz it would feel as if nobody is safe in an actual battle. I'm not asking for Oda to go killing the straw hats now but at least kill extremely signficant characters (Kinemon should've die change my mind.)


I get what you say but you also need to take into consideration the context. In what kind of war does no one dies? When Oda showed "deaths" on screen they turn out to be fake-out deaths (Kinemon and the CP0 dude Kaido crushed) and actual [confirmed] deaths are just off screen (Izo and Ashura). For me at least Kinemon's fake death just made the raid lose all tension to me when Kaido, the big bad guy of the arc, can't kill half-dead samurai. In Saboady things were different because the source of the tension was different (that being the straw hats losing against the Pacifitsas, Kuma and Kizaru, thus getting captured, not necesarilly killed). But in a WAR most of the times the source of tension is the fact that people are getting killed and dying. Hell, when Izo died I unironically thought the guy was just unconcious cuz im just so accostumed to nobody dying here that I can't tell when a character is actually dead or not. So yeah, having characters, specially important ones, dying on battle will make the series better cuz it would feel as if nobody is safe in an actual battle. I'm not asking for Oda to go killing the straw hats now but at least kill extremely signficant characters (Kinemon should've die change my mind.)
We are talking about a manga, a story in a fictional world full of magic, inventions etc. It doesn't have to be like the real world. So there is no reason to have death in a war.

I agree with Oda not killing characters just doesn't agree how he fake about it. There is no point in killing characters that can be reused in the future.
1) The one change that oda should do to make one piece much better would be to change the target audience from teenagers to adults.
That would mean: more serious characters (too many gag characters at this point), more serious atmosphere and more meaningful deaths(kaido should have kill far more people than just one).
2) And not so many repetitions would be apreciated as well. There is a princess in every single arc, zoro always fights the second strongest and sanji the third, luffy always looses then comes back as if nothing had happened etc..
Too many characters. Some have a similar purpose as another so there’s a redundancy issue, there’s not enough time for their own story or too much time is spent on it but it’s more of a side plot, and ultimately they take up time from more important characters.