[FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

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Arbiter of Truth
0 times here. My entire house got it once except me, was pretty wild. Even weirder, I have a blood condition called neutropenia which, broadly, means I have less white blood cells and thus am at greater risk of catching things like that. I can't really explain it, the one person with the best likelihood of catching it out of 6, didn't.
kelp (Saint Ratchet

I’m also concerned he wasn’t harsher on me for my indecisive mania on D1. I feel like Town Ratchet would have probably got tired of my shit a lot faster and a lot harsher.

And his Reborn stuff. When I was scum arguing against Reborn in Bleach, Ratchet at least saw through it enough to consider I was possibly scum picking apart Reborn logically and that Reborn’s bad logic/arguments weren’t necessarily scum indicative of him by extrapolation there
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