[FNZ] Role Madness Jujutsu Kaisen Mafia - Shibuya Incident [Game Ended = Mafia + Traitor + Neutral Indie Won!]

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Because distancing wins games while buddying is giving ideas like you have.
Scum making and keeping distancing is way easier to play at endgame when the end is with question mark by the presence of a hostile indy no one knows much about
Keeping your teammates from being lynched also wins games. Especially when it’s a player like Ratchet who would be doing the most heavy lifting.
How do you think that Sukuna is the one getting endgamed? It´s more the other way around, that´s why we try to assassinate him. Also, it does not help if you find Sukuna only to get screwed by mafia soon after. We better focus on the lynch too! And seriously, why do you expect that player to come out in the first place? Imagine, you finally got an exciting indie role, only to throw it away to get turned into vanilla town masons with you? Sounds kinda lame. In all honesty, would your queen having been the one getting that Sukuna role, we would not have come out either.
Scum are about to win. You can feel it given the atmosphere this day phase. Finding Sukuna can still give us a fighting chance since, I survive and Town gets one more member. And well, scum winning also means Sukuna is getting endgamed. He either wins with us or loses without us atp.
But it doesn’t feel like you’re appropriately forceful here that this is the only acceptable lynch.

With Kiku with a smoking gun, there should be no other options from your POV.
Please don't fall into the same mindset of nonsense as Ratchet is currently displaying with his ridiculous wifoming. You see where my vote is, you know from our posts talking to each other from last night whose been my entire main focus on since the day phase has started. Your argument about Michelle being scum and having equity with Broki has less mechanically going for it then Kiku does with my one-shot confirming her involvement with Naomi.
Scum are about to win. You can feel it given the atmosphere this day phase. Finding Sukuna can still give us a fighting chance since, I survive and Town gets one more member. And well, scum winning also means Sukuna is getting endgamed. He either wins with us or loses without us atp.
I don’t understand fearing Sukuna at all at this point lol. I’m 100000x more worried about scum winning.
Please don't fall into the same mindset of nonsense as Ratchet is currently displaying with his ridiculous wifoming. You see where my vote is, you know from our posts talking to each other from last night whose been my entire main focus on since the day phase has started. Your argument about Michelle being scum and having equity with Broki has less mechanically going for it then Kiku does with my one-shot confirming her involvement with Naomi.
But “main focus” and “has more going for it” aren’t really the level of rabid focus I’d expect from someone with caught scum in what’s basically LY/LO
I don’t understand fearing Sukuna at all at this point lol. I’m 100000x more worried about scum winning.
Same here. Which is why people like Gram and Cal are now firmly in my PoE. Suggesting the literal MC gets assassinated is the dumbest move I‘ve ever seen in my Mafia career if they‘re Town and I don‘t think either of them does such dumb shit as Town.


Scum are about to win. You can feel it given the atmosphere this day phase. Finding Sukuna can still give us a fighting chance since, I survive and Town gets one more member. And well, scum winning also means Sukuna is getting endgamed. He either wins with us or loses without us atp.
How can you know how many fingers Sukuna has collected by now when they were no further WUs? Chances exist that Sukuna gets all the fingers he needs before mafia is endgaming us. You never know.

We are hunting mafia though, you are the one that shall be more focussed on doing this too. You have one more guess, we have one more assassin shot, so let us work together. You tell me who you are gonna pick tonight, so that we can pick another player?! So we can raise our chances of being successful at least a tiny bit.
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