Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.3%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.4%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 98 62.0%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters

Gorosei Informer

Seems like it's turning into a big project. Do you have character arcs planned for the strawhats? Most of them didn't get that much development during Wano.
Hell yeah man! Thats what draws me most to series so I like to think I could do those characters justice. I have my own take on how Sanji vs Maria should have gone down but I know some Sanji fans won't agree with it either, but imo its the direction Oda should have gone with him.

I do love Sanji destroying the raid suit though and the whole helping the geisha and the Chuuji reveal and connection to his past, that was really sweet.

I want to intertwine Sanjis and Brook characters especially with their shared knowledge/history of the Vinsmokes too. I want to try to intertwine as many SH's backstories, character arcs, dreams and such together somehow. Help them help each other or something like that.

I have a LOT planned for Usopp alone too. Same with Sanji, Zoro, somewhat for Franky and Nami too. Robin, Brook and Jinbei I'm not sure yet on what to do with them but I have some ideas including a fantastic write up I did for Brook's dream/endgame ages ago. (Granted ChatGPT did the legwork ofc but I've had my own versions in my head for the longest time too.)

I'll be making an ongoing thread I think and potentially turning these into Youtube videos and like some people are doing already. I think for once, I finally found a direction for the Youtube channel I never started and I can finally start it soon LMAO! @Playa4321
I'll be making an ongoing thread I think and potentially turning these into Youtube videos and like some people are doing already. I think for once, I finally found a direction for the Youtube channel I never started and I can finally start it soon LMAO! @Playa4321
Still waiting for your own youtube channel :)
@AL sama already started his own one which I like a lot, you also need one.

Gorosei Informer

Still waiting for your own youtube channel :)
@AL sama already started his own one which I like a lot, you also need one.
Aye haha, Al went for the "fine, I'll do it myself" meme pretty much!

I was remembering you always remembered and asked me about it haha, I appreciate it man! Honestly, I think this is the best direction I could take my channel and I'm really excited/enthusiastic about it. Life really lit a flame underneath me recently and its making me much more motivated/proactive than I was before too. A lot less hesitations now than before.

I even though of a funny, brilliant name for the channel but I won't say it, incase it hasn't been taken especially! But its gonna be perfect if I can use it!

I'll be making an ongoing thread I think and potentially turning these into Youtube videos and like some people are doing already. I think for once, I finally found a direction for the Youtube channel I never started and I can finally start it soon LMAO! @Playa4321
I've seen some good movie rewrites on youtube, I especially like Nando v movie's version of the 2017 justice league movie. You could be like that but for One Piece.