You contradicting yourself.
You say nothing is divine and then go in to say that divinity can not be determined. The fact is You do not have the wisdom or knowledge to determine it
It cannot be determined cause it is a made up concept with no basis on objective reality, at no point did i contradict myself. All you can do is obfuscate and nitpick my words cause you don't have a valid refutal to my argument. It's all in your head man, everybody knows it, but it's hard to accept that we live in a universe that isn't aware or cares about you.
It cannot be determined cause it is a made up concept with no basis on objective reality., it's not a contradiction. All you can do is obfuscate and nitpick my words cause you don't have a valid refutal to my argument. It's all in your head man, everybody knows it, but it's hard to accept that we live in a universe that isn't aware or cares about you.
Objective reality is that the entire Existence is a divine phenomenon that encompasses everything

For example It's just like the human body with all It's organs, cells and atoms.
Objective reality is that the entire Existence is a divine phenomenon that encompasses everything

For example It's just like the human body with all It's organs, cells and atoms.
How shameless can you be? At no point has it been determined that the universe came to be due to divine intervention. You just made that up. At least you could admit that's just what you personally believe instead of claiming that's objective reality instead of your faith. You lost this argument, hard.
Where is this happening?
I linked it above

I think it's a lot healthier to come to grips with the fact that god is not real. It leads you to appreciate this life as your one shot to be happy.
Get out of here:beckmoji:
This is not the missionary thread.

Isn't it boring though ? Thinking that everything was farted out into everythingness by a genius magical design.. I mean.

No mystery, no challenge, no spicyness.. Nothing to look for to.

I personally prefer the grandiose black holes of questions regarding a potential accidental expension of everythingness, this is so much more complex yet fun to understand and to grasp...

Just imagine things like : potential string dimensions, potential multivers, black matter, potential holographic universes, dark energy, gravitational waves, supermassive blackhole, heat death of the universe, the big bang, potential wormholes, the plank scale, the bending of time and space, potential galaxy sized civilisations, the Higg Boson and mass in the universe, the potential fusion of relativity theory and quantum mechanic, a potential recreation of the universe, the mysteries of the evolutions and the brain...

I mean.. compared to those concepts, questions and mathematical wonderness.. the concept of an all powerfull creator offering a place in heaven or hell, or different deities representing nature and the everythingness of creation is just..

.. Dull at best.

Nature has so much more to offer. So much more complexity, trickyness, absurdities, creativeness. One day you are watching the death of a star that actually happened 1 million years ago, the other you are exploring the possibility of travelling through time by the simple fact of going fast...

Nature is so much more magical than religious fairy tail meant to appeal to 5 years old and +.

The simple idea that we might just be an accident isn't thrilling enough ? Try to imagine what it would feel like living on a rogue planet

Hey! You wanna try to open your perspective on life? Then try to warp your head around the notion of "critical flicker fusion frequency" and the way animal percieve time and sounds:

Really, give up religion, just look up.
This post is almost as bad as Tejas' weird conspiracy shit.

No it says "no 'apparent' function". Vestigial structures are just.. there. Residual parts from a past ancestor. And that's okay, not everything has a function in the universe. In fact pretty much everything has no function.

The sun help us strive but its not its function, it's just a big ball of nuke, and thats okay, this just means that we are very lucky.
No, apparent in science means "we are pretty sure but we can't say X for sure just because we are professionals" Don't worry, there is no divine mysteries surrounding vestigial structures lol

Why put a divine aspect on a ball of nuke ? I get the saying "its a pretty cool ball of nuke" but making it divine.. why ? I mean do you put a divine aspect to a ball of chewing gum? Still it's pretty much similar beside the scale and coolness..
This ladies and gentlemen is how you know this clown doesn't argue in good faith. Divinity is a human concept, and even when it comes to scientific classification, there is no objective standard to measure or determine what that is. It's made up, like vishnu or krishna or jesus.
This is a common cognitive bias that because something is old, its therefore necessary wise or good. I mean, the bible, Quoran etc. and mythological polytheism are definitely creative stories and writings but let's not act like they are the pillar of sociological and human wisdom. I mean.. look at how some cult consider homosexuality...

Dude, you really researched a study concerning gum to prove a point ?


BTW my point was that gum was not divine, not that it could have a function hehe

Allow me to disagree with that.

Anyway.. I think your viewpoint are at least coherent.. You are looking at the world through a fairytail lens. No wonder that you are attracted toward conspiracy theories. I mean, I went there during a few of my studient years, I know how fantastically attractive some of those conspiracy theories can be..

Its so safe and cosy to think that there is an explanation for everything or that everything can be explained through the lens of big evil corporation and evil guys..

Problem is that you are looking at human for more than they actually are..

Sometimes, we are just stupid. Let's take Macron for example. Is he evil for helping the rich more than the poor ? No. He just has a very bias vision of reality. In his world, hard work always pays off, so he consider that to help society, he must put labor above every other values. Which end up sacrifising the poor. That's not evil, its just stupidity, or rather ignorance. He just doesn't understand that success is so much more complex to achieve than just "working hard".

When I hear you speaking about Soros or other lizard monster I feel like you are just .. bias.

An advice for you: look less for attempt and more for stupidity.. You will see a much more complex world.
Holy shoot what are you kids even talking about??:crazwhat::joker:

It cannot be determined cause it is a made up concept with no basis on objective reality, at no point did i contradict myself. All you can do is obfuscate and nitpick my words cause you don't have a valid refutal to my argument. It's all in your head man, everybody knows it, but it's hard to accept that we live in a universe that isn't aware or cares about you.
:sighting:Every concept is made up, including 'human rights' etc... does that mean we're supposed to give up on the idea that humans deserve rights??
This is a common cognitive bias that because something is old, its therefore necessary wise or good. I mean, the bible, Quoran etc. and mythological polytheism are definitely creative stories and writings but let's not act like they are the pillar of sociological and human wisdom. I mean.. look at how some cult consider homosexuality...
The mistake people make here is to falsely equate Hinduism, a way of life formed by generations of seekers and researchers, studying and experimenting for centuries to create a civilization, an ongoing process and independent of a wide range of personal theistic and atheistic belief systems too Monotheistic Abrahamic religions

Dude, you really researched a study concerning gum to prove a point ?


BTW my point was that gum was not divine, not that it could have a function hehe
Say that to the people whose lives it had saved

Allow me to disagree with that.

Anyway.. I think your viewpoint are at least coherent.. You are looking at the world through a fairytail lens. No wonder that you are attracted toward conspiracy theories. I mean, I went there during a few of my studient years, I know how fantastically attractive some of those conspiracy theories can be..

Its so safe and cosy to think that there is an explanation for everything or that everything can be explained through the lens of big evil corporation and evil guys..

Problem is that you are looking at human for more than they actually are..

Sometimes, we are just stupid. Let's take Macron for example. Is he evil for helping the rich more than the poor ? No. He just has a very bias vision of reality. In his world, hard work always pays off, so he consider that to help society, he must put labor above every other values. Which end up sacrifising the poor. That's not evil, its just stupidity, or rather ignorance. He just doesn't understand that success is so much more complex to achieve than just "working hard".

When I hear you speaking about Soros or other lizard monster I feel like you are just .. bias.

An advice for you: look less for attempt and more for stupidity.. You will see a much more complex world.
Again the problem here is that you cant label that I hate something just because I fight against the same thing I.e. systems that I find harmful to my nation's best interest, you can not confuse them both
How shameless can you be? At no point has it been determined that the universe came to be due to divine intervention. You just made that up. At least you could admit that's just what you personally believe instead of claiming that's objective reality instead of your faith. You lost this argument, hard.
Again what is divine?

The universe is just a phase of matter. And matter itself is divine.

There is no argument here and my point still stands that "All that exists is divine". Try disproving that
:sighting:Every concept is made up, including 'human rights' etc... does that mean we're supposed to give up on the idea that humans deserve rights??
True, that's made up as well. The difference is that human rights is supposed to protect your ability to live with dignity in a real space. The way we treat each other determines our happiness and well being. When we talk about divinity, is a completely different topic. Yeah both are made up, but one is based on the belief in a higher power that most likely doesn't exist, while the other is based on guaranteeing you and your loved ones freedom and dignity. I've been very clear, the fact that I hate religion is still just my opinion, you can believe whatever you want as long as you're not hurting anybody else. But at least have the decency to admit your believes are entirely grounded in your personal faith and not on objective evidence.
kinda no lol
Your religion isn't more special than others
False equivalence there.
You cannot compare centuries of experimental and analytical research carried over by multiple people over generations to some prophetic message

Another fact is that Hindu Dharma advocates universal divinity and doesn't discriminate based on believers and non believers
This post is almost as bad as Tejas' weird conspiracy shit.
You don't like nature ?

Again the problem here is that you cant label that I hate something just because I fight against the same thing I.e. systems that I find harmful to my nation's best interest, you can not confuse them both
The soros thing is just conspiracy theory bro..

You speak like me ten years back when I used to think that Jews were secretely rulling the world (yes, I felt that low for a while, a big red flag). But instead of the jew, you are targetting the "woke people" (which btw, means nothing)
You don't like nature ?

The soros thing is just conspiracy theory bro..

You speak like me ten years back when I used to think that Jews were secretely rulling the world (yes, I felt that low for a while, a big red flag). But instead of the jew, you are targetting the "woke people" (which btw, means nothing)
Soros himself admits that he wants regime change in India. So how is that a conspiracy theory?
You contradicting yourself.
You say nothing is divine and then go in to say that divinity can not be determined. The fact is You do not have the wisdom or knowledge to determine it

And ad hominem doesn'thelp yourcase
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I am not sure about formless and present everywhere.
From my understanding, the text is clear that I am "formless". Air is present everywhere, but it has no form, according to the example in the article. Wrong example.

Now, can you confine air in an air bag and place it somewhere, right? It gains a form.
If this was the case, the religious book would have mentioned it. That you can capture the formless air in a bag and give it a form, no?

I respect your beliefs and not trying to offend you. Just having a discussion.

Plus, Zakir Naik focuses on finding common grounds in religions and acts as a pacifist. Idk why Indians hate him so much.
The mistake people make here is to falsely equate Hinduism, a way of life formed by generations of seekers and researchers, studying and experimenting for centuries to create a civilization, an ongoing process and independent of a wide range of personal theistic and atheistic belief systems too Monotheistic Abrahamic religions
Many westerners are damaged by the horrors of centuries of violence by the Abrahamic export religions, can't blame them tbh:peperain:

The fact that you feel like you can say that shit to me when all you do is fan the flames of toxic discourse just for the sake of your own entertainment is hilarious to me. I say what I say because I actually get frustrated and angry, not for a fleeting moment of satisfaction.
I'm not doing that at all.
The fact that you instantly choose to go for personal attacks shows me that this topic must be very personal for you.
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You don't like nature ?
I do.
What does this have to do with anything that was said in these last pages?