No it says "no 'apparent' function". Vestigial structures are just.. there. Residual parts from a past ancestor. And that's okay, not everything has a function in the universe. In fact pretty much everything has no function.

The sun help us strive but its not its function, it's just a big ball of nuke, and thats okay, this just means that we are very lucky.
Hence the Sun has a Divine aspect and we arr thankful for that.

I love how you ignore the word "apparent" there which clearly indicates the lack of knowledge not the lack of function itself
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religions are just popularised cults
Better than Woke cult and Globalist cult
That's you human centric interpretation of reality. Divinity is just a concept that we made up to deal with our own mortality. Things just are.
Your interpretation of divinity is different from mine.

Divinity has much more than dealing with mortality.

Mortality is least of problems or not a problem at all considering that the universe itself is mortal
Hence the Sun has a Divine aspect and we arr thankful for that.

I love how you ignore the word "apparent" there which clearly indicates the lack of knowledge not the lack of function itself
No, apparent in science means "we are pretty sure but we can't say X for sure just because we are professionals" Don't worry, there is no divine mysteries surrounding vestigial structures lol

Why put a divine aspect on a ball of nuke ? I get the saying "its a pretty cool ball of nuke" but making it divine.. why ? I mean do you put a divine aspect to a ball of chewing gum? Still it's pretty much similar beside the scale and coolness..
Zakir naik big lul
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Where is this happening?
Hating a person wont change what he says.
He quoted verses from the Holy Quran and Hindu's religious book (Geeta?).
It shows even bigger problem; People reject positive message of Islam and focus on negativity spewed by extremists (who push their own agenda, either they are being paid or just straight up dumb).
No, apparent in science means "we are pretty sure but we can't say X for sure just because we are professionals" Don't worry, there is no divine mysteries surrounding vestigial structures lol

Why put a divine aspect on a ball of nuke ? I get the saying "its a pretty cool ball of nuke" but making it divine.. why ? I mean do you put a divine aspect to a ball of chewing gum? Still it's pretty much similar beside the scale and coolness..
There is.

For example gums can be life saving in many situations like
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your cult is new, its compares nothing to evolution
Evolution was first discoverd by my religion
Your interpretation of divinity is different from mine.

Divinity has much more than dealing with mortality.

Mortality is least of problems or not a problem at all considering that the universe itself is mortal
Are you being dense on purpose? my whole point is that divinity is not real, you made it up in your head. I have no horse in this race cause I don't think it's real. But there's no point in talking about this any further.
Hating a person wont change what he says.
He quoted verses from the Holy Quran and Hindu's religious book (Geeta?).
It shows even bigger problem; People reject positive message of Islam and focus on negativity spewed by extremists (who push their own agenda, either they are being paid or just straight up dumb).
Zakir Naik distorts the meaning of Texts with his ignorance. I mean he literally gives wrong translations
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Are you being dense on purpose? my whole point is that divinity is not real, you made it up in your head. I have no horse in this race cause I don't think it's real. But there's no point in talking about this any further.
Your point is invalid because your definition of divinity is so narrow
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no your cult is nothing, its steals from real peoples discoveries
No. It's knowledge and Wisdom got stolen by whom you call great minds

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Your point is invalid because your definition of divinity is so narrow
This ladies and gentlemen is how you know this clown doesn't argue in good faith. Divinity is a human concept, and even when it comes to scientific classification, there is no objective standard to measure or determine what that is. It's made up, like vishnu or krishna or jesus.
Zakir Naik distorts the meaning of Texts with his ignorance. I mean he literally gives wrong translations
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Your point is invalid because your definition of divinity is so narrow
Quote the examples where he gave wrong translations or it never happened.
This ladies and gentlemen is how you know this clown doesn't argue in good faith. Divinity is a human concept, and even when it comes to scientific classification, there is no objective standard to measure or determine what that is. It's made up, like vishnu or krishna or jesus.
You contradicting yourself.
You say nothing is divine and then go in to say that divinity can not be determined. The fact is You do not have the wisdom or knowledge to determine it

And ad hominem doesn'thelp yourcase
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Quote the examples where he gave wrong translations or it never happened.
millenia of wisdom
This is a common cognitive bias that because something is old, its therefore necessary wise or good. I mean, the bible, Quoran etc. and mythological polytheism are definitely creative stories and writings but let's not act like they are the pillar of sociological and human wisdom. I mean.. look at how some cult consider homosexuality...

Dude, you really researched a study concerning gum to prove a point ?


BTW my point was that gum was not divine, not that it could have a function hehe

Evolution was first discoverd by my religion
Allow me to disagree with that.

Anyway.. I think your viewpoint are at least coherent.. You are looking at the world through a fairytail lens. No wonder that you are attracted toward conspiracy theories. I mean, I went there during a few of my studient years, I know how fantastically attractive some of those conspiracy theories can be..

Its so safe and cosy to think that there is an explanation for everything or that everything can be explained through the lens of big evil corporation and evil guys..

Problem is that you are looking at human for more than they actually are..

Sometimes, we are just stupid. Let's take Macron for example. Is he evil for helping the rich more than the poor ? No. He just has a very bias vision of reality. In his world, hard work always pays off, so he consider that to help society, he must put labor above every other values. Which end up sacrifising the poor. That's not evil, its just stupidity, or rather ignorance. He just doesn't understand that success is so much more complex to achieve than just "working hard".

When I hear you speaking about Soros or other lizard monster I feel like you are just .. bias.

An advice for you: look less for attempt and more for stupidity.. You will see a much more complex world.