Science is not here to prove the existence or the inexistence of god or the divine anyway, that's a philosophical problem, science can work without that.
Science isn't even the be-all-end-all. I am not anti-science, but there are many scientific studies that are bought and paid for by interest groups and biased researchers.
Many studies cannot and have not been replicated. In fact, so much so that, at times, it makes it hard for me to entirely trust something just because someone says: "A researcher/scientist said so!"
I think humans, especially those who elevate science to almost the level of divine understanding, blind themselves with the exact same ignorance and biases that the religious do. It's effectively faith. Faith that the science was done right. That there was no bias. There are, of course, clearly replicable studies, and these are ones I hold as fact, but we know so little about the human mind that research on psychology is mostly guesswork.
Given that science is a constant process of improvement, and in the medical field standard practices change all the time, I think people should reserve at least a little scepticism for the sciences as they do religion.
Science isn't even the be-all-end-all. I am not anti-science, but there are many scientific studies that are bought and paid for by interest groups and biased researchers.
Many studies cannot and have not been replicated. In fact, so much so that, at times, it makes it hard for me to entirely trust something just because someone says: "A researcher/scientist said so!"
I think humans, especially those who elevate science to almost the level of divine understanding, blind themselves with the exact same ignorance and biases that the religious do. It's effectively faith. Faith that the science was done right. That there was no bias. There are, of course, clearly replicable studies, and these are ones I hold as fact, but we know so little about the human mind that research on psychology is mostly guesswork.
Given that science is a constant process of improvement, and in the medical field standard practices change all the time, I think people should reserve at least a little scepticism for the sciences as they do religion.
Science is a process, a method.. or rather a practice. We must not confuse science with data or researchs. By the process of making science, we acquire data.

But yes, That process is just like many other, open to biases if not done properly. (We can take for example a lot of sexist bias in the last century or so) Thing is, this process is what works the best.

But science is not here to research the potential "divine". The "divine" is not a scientific question. Science works without it.
Science is a process, a method.. or rather a practice. We must not confuse science with data or researchs. By the process of making science, we acquire data.

But yes, That process is just like many other, open to biases if not done properly. (We can take for example a lot of sexist bias in the last century or so) Thing is, this process is what works the best.

But science is not here to research the potential "divine". The "divine" is not a scientific question. Science works without it.
I can respect this answer.
.... He's spiritual -- it's to be expected that he believes in the concept of divinity.

@Tejas do you have proof that something is divine. Arguing that a lack of proof to the contrary is proof is not an argument. That is sophistry.
My definition of divinity is the Hindu one anything is capable of being worshipped

Take any example anything at all. It has it's importance

And the act of having faith is paramount. Faith is the thing that shows results irrespective of the object of worship

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Anyway, you did not reply to me @Tejas

Is Russia leftist ?

Another question:

On what side of the political spectrum do you place ISIS ?
Not now.

Leftism is against establishment and seeks to destroy existing ones

As for ISIS, it does not fall into right - left classified of the west. It's a separate entity guided by Sharia laws

Similarly Hindu Nationalism is too guided by Dharma and does not fit in the Western Right and Left
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The Vedanta system is an acosmic pantheism, holding that the Absolute called Brahman alone is real and the finite manifestations are illusory. There is one absolute undifferentiated reality, the nature of which is constituted by knowledge.

The illusory means Transient and is prone to change.
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Science isn't even the be-all-end-all. I am not anti-science, but there are many scientific studies that are bought and paid for by interest groups and biased researchers.
Many studies cannot and have not been replicated. In fact, so much so that, at times, it makes it hard for me to entirely trust something just because someone says: "A researcher/scientist said so!"
I think humans, especially those who elevate science to almost the level of divine understanding, blind themselves with the exact same ignorance and biases that the religious do. It's effectively faith. Faith that the science was done right. That there was no bias. There are, of course, clearly replicable studies, and these are ones I hold as fact, but we know so little about the human mind that research on psychology is mostly guesswork.
Given that science is a constant process of improvement, and in the medical field standard practices change all the time, I think people should reserve at least a little scepticism for the sciences as they do religion.