No, not really.
My entire point was that I just didn't like that post at all since you claimed to have a wife.
I suppose others have a different view of how relationships should go, though, and that's fine. I respect it even though I disagree hardly.
Bro, it’s just a celebrity crush. It ain’t a big deal. It’s not like I’m filing for divorce and actively trying to cheat on my wife with dua lipa.

Gorosei Informer

Bro, it’s just a celebrity crush. It ain’t a big deal. It’s not like I’m filing for divorce and actively trying to cheat on my wife with dua lipa.
You're not?! Shame on you! /s

**Title: Buster Call Saul**

*(Open to a scene in Elbaf, the island of giants. We see Jaguar D. Saul, who everyone thought was gone, living among the giants and having adopted their lifestyle. He has set up a small law practice, helping giants with their disputes. He's now known as "Saul Goodman the Giant Lawyer".)*

**Scene 1: Saul's Law Hut in Elbaf**

*(A giant with an equally giant axe comes stomping into Saul’s Law Hut)*

Giant: “Saul! I need your help! I accidentally chopped down my neighbor’s favorite tree with my axe.”

Saul: “No worries, just tell them to Buster Call Saul!”

**Scene 2: Elbaf's Central Plaza**

*(Saul is seen mediating between two giants)*

Giant 1: "He took my battle axe!"

Giant 2: "You left it in my yard!"

Saul: "Gentlemen, gentlemen, there's a legal procedure for this. It's called the ‘Giant Axe Pact.’ It's sacred in Elbaf's law."

*(Saul orchestrates a humorous, overly elaborate ritual involving roaring and wrestling to solve the dispute.)*

**Scene 3: Marine Headquarters**

*(Marines are freaking out after accidentally intercepting Saul's catchphrase as a signal for a real Buster Call)*

Marine: "Admiral, we picked up a signal from Elbaf, someone’s saying ‘Buster Call’!"

Admiral: “What?! Initiate protocol!”

*(The Marines start running around chaotically)*

**Scene 4: Back in Elbaf**

*(Saul is having a feast with the giants when he gets word of the Marines coming)*

Saul: “What in the name of the Ancient Weapons did you just say?”

Giant: “A Buster Call is coming!”

*(Saul gets into action, rallying the giants.)*

**Scene 5: Elbaf's Coastline**

*(Marine ships are approaching, but they see an army of giants led by Saul.)*

Admiral: “What is going on here?”

Saul: “This was a big misunderstanding! ‘Buster Call’ is just my catchy lawyer slogan!”

*(The Admiral facepalms, and the Marine ships turn around)*

**Scene 6: Saul's Law Hut**

*(Saul, now a celebrated hero in Elbaf, is seen making an advertisement for his law practice)*

Saul (into the camera): “In a legal pickle? Need to settle an axe dispute? Well, then... Buster Call Saul!”

**THE END.**
Waido fell for the greater cause if he had awakening in Wano the story would have come to an end ,Waido fell so your Admirals could show off and shine in the future :pepehands:

Only a fool would think Waido is dead ,we are not ready:finally:
If he returns it's ever to get neg diffed by someone else or for a cover story:absojustice:
Post automatically merged:

Akainu didn't do SHIT to Kaido
Akainu can create volcanos which is the lonko deletor, if you have a lonko problem and need the story to advance, send them into volcano:absojustice: