Best thing that happened to you today?

I just went to a Little Big concert with my little bro. They're my favorite group, but I thought I was kinda just dragging him to it.

After, he said he loved it & would've bought the tickets himself.

His reaction totally shocked me, got some sweet merch, it was tons of fun
My brother came for a visit and brought me some BBQ. He also brought his newly adopted Lab pup! It's the black one. I am in love with her!
I get to babysit her next week when he goes to TX to visit his wife's fam. I probably won't give her back.... JK, but I seriously already love her.
My parents have a black lab. She’s now 10 years old. You are very lucky that you get to watch her! Lab puppies can have so much energy!


Lunatic Queen
Not the "best" thing that happened to me, more like the weirdest thing (we need a thread for that, I'd sure have a lot of things to talk abt lol): I randomly found out I appear in a youtube vid someone was watchin lol. A guy made a walking tour of Westwood, I got there to visit my parents and lil sis for a few days and I could be vaguely seen on the vid while workin on my laptop at a cafe in Westwood Village. And I'm findin that out like 1-2 years after the vid was made.

Not rly a big deal, but a bit annoying when youtube streamers take videos w/ ppl around and those ppl will be shown to at least a thousand internet users against their will w/o even bein aware of it.

Gorosei Informer

Fantastic idea for a thread TKOS!

I had a great shift at work today, feeling very productive. Worked hard, met great customers as usual and saw more lovely doggos.
Last week a man even brought his pet bird for a visit!
I'm really enjoying my job. Most satisfaction I've felt in life in a long time. Feels good to contribute and accomplish something too.