Its sad how that inner clique runs and tries to gang up on Mike. Me and Mike had our war in the past and both of us were at fault but eventually I snapped to my senses and realised how much of an asshole I was being and approached him in private and tried to apologise and make amends.
He really apologised to me too and we had a heart to heart, a real honest chat and now we're not only friends again but much better friends and thus get along much more honestly and better too.
He's shown me a lot of respect, as well as a lot of humility, self awareness, remorse in his own actions and the way things played out and real emotional maturity.
We had serious issues of egoism, miscommunication, misunderstandings and we both let it escalate/escalated it ourselves, which I really regret. It took my bans for me to slap my sense into myself. Now if only certain others could do the same here.

Mike is a much better person (I keep alternating currently between Mike and Tesla lol, no pun intended on alternating currently too) than I realised and had him down for. I wish my family and some other people IRL could have the same honest humility, self awareness, lack of egoism (after we made up especially) and decency he does.
I know i'm kissing his ass or riding his dick but hes so constantly ganged up on here and he needs someone to defend him, because hes still only fucking human and he has emotions/feelings and such too. There's a real love of mob mentality behaviour here too. To love to gang up on people and clown them like we're still in fucking high school. Childish behaviours.
Mike's not innocent nor am I, far from it but that doesn't mean people can't make mistakes, realise they are the problem and grow from it and try to be better. Its often the people who think they've done nothing wrong, who are self righteous, who lack empathy and self awareness who attack others for being vulnerable, for being flawed, for trying to be better and for being honest.
God knows and so most of you at least ofc know I've had my shitty moments on and off here with far too many of you too and sometimes I wonder how I'm not perma'd either but it goes to show that the staff here are more willing to forgive, be open minded/more tolerant and give people a chance to try to make things right and do/be better too.
God forbid some users definitely have far more severe ego issues and get away with non literal murder here too, including harassment, verbal abuse/toxicity, gaslighting and stuff. Worse than what I've even done on here by far.

Anyway, angsty old man rant over as usual.
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