@Mashiro Blue Is this the right character?
And if there is something you want to change or else, just let me know and I will edit it later but not this week.
And if you think the tag is fine enough, please save the gif by yourself before you submit it to admin since the gif its not permanently saved.
And if there is something you want to change or else, just let me know and I will edit it later but not this week.
And if you think the tag is fine enough, please save the gif by yourself before you submit it to admin since the gif its not permanently saved.
I really liked what you did with the colors changing on the bottom.
Would it be possible to change the first one to blue so it becomes blue, green and red?
https://www.google.com/search?q=mahiru shiina&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CTVMR4f0fjQdYYdo66lWurGmsgIMCgIIABAAOgQIABAA&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=inv&hl=pt-PT&sa=X&ved=0CBQQuIIBahgKEwi4oNmdnuL8AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQqgE&biw=384&bih=729
Any blue like pic from the link would be fine.
The one you choose for the blue part part can you also make one tag with just the blue colored pic? I hope it's not too much work.
Whenever you have time and thank you again for your help