1. Ball was made from seastone probably
2. Oda felt the needed to have koby weighted even though his commnaders were there
3. He literally ran as a diversion so other individuals could escape.

4. Oda can literally have koby find a busted fruit or simply explain that koby glowed up since oda post timeskipnhas literally only place koby in the midst of battles with yonko and warlords with the most busted abilities. Nothing shows that he is weak whatsoever
Yeah sure he can say whatever he wants but its still bullshit.

A guy we have never seen onscreen fight and getting fodder treatment suddenly fighting on equal terms with top tiers is beyond shit writing.
Show the fodder treatment?

Was he koed no

Was he captured by a yonko and crew? Yes. Same with luffy and kidd
Dude was trained directly under Garp even before the timeskip and got neg diff by Luffy.

Its been already a decade since the timeskip and his portrayal is avoiding some arrows, smashing a torpedo, did something at Wang Zhi incident (nothing implies he helped Teach defeating him, more like helping civilians), dickriding Kyros, surrender to Teach.
So much for a strong guy.