Will Shiryu sneak kill Mihawk ?

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:gokulaugh:Stay in your lane Katakuri fanboy and debate Katakuri vs Oven, we are talking about chads who can fuck up GOATs like Garp

Agreed, I already told this to @L55 =>
:milaugh:As far as I remember katakuri didn't have numerical advantage and end up being clowned.
Also what does gazed kata has to do with healthy sane shiryu being washed ?

Imagine being thrown like fodder by Garp and damaged

Fodder character...no CoC, no adhaki
Few Power Scaling/Agenda take aways from this chapter

Rayleigh's Portrayal in his old age is better than Garp's portrayal in his old age despite Rayleigh being the one who is retired and out of shape where as Garp is an active Marine.

Prime Garp and Admirals are worth the same thing and Cross Guild thinks Mihawk is above Admirals and Prime Garp which means Mihawk also thinks he's above Admirals and Prime Garp. Which supports Mihawk > Roger.

Yonko are below Colored Trio as Prime Garp is above Yonko and comparable to Prime Whitebeard who is quite literally above other Yonko. And Aokiji matching Garp's punch while Garp was in his prime despite Aokiji being a logia user supports that too.

@SakazOuki @Elder Lee Hung @SkySanji

Mihawk = Above Pirate King Level
Prime Garp and Colored Trio Admirals = Pirate King Level
Fujitora and Green Bull = Level of your average Yonko like Kaido

Damn this scaling is bullshit. Garp ks 3 billion currently, not his prime.

And Rayleigh barely could handle 1 admieal while Garp is fighting more....
Him sharing this with Aokiji and now Aokiji himself going "rouge" ,put some weight on that scene .
Both probably have some inner conflicts during this fight and i hope this gets fleshed out in the upcoming chapters.
That's what hurts the most lmao
After Dragon and Luffy fucked him over Aokiji was the only one close to him. He also went rogue so he must have developed deep attachment for Koby as he is his last hope and he had to protect Koby at the cost of his life.

As much as people in One Piece world admire Garp as a hero (I mean Marines), Garp is still at the end of the day very lonely as all his loved ones keep leaving him and going their own ways. Very Tragic if you look deep into it.
Shiryu really is some crazy maniac man. Despite being slammed onto the ground, he just kept laughing.

I imagine Zoro defeating Shiryu and even while being defeated Shiryu would just endlessly laugh at Zoro until he finally passes out. Please Oda, make it happen!
Thats why I'm saying the blackbeard pirates are by far the most evil crew of all op. They are maniac. Look at vasco shot or catarina devon. I imagine them all laughing in their deaths. Thats why I think them all will die. Too evil to be alive
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