Spoiler One Piece Chapter 981 Spoilers Discussion

When will The BMP enter Wano?

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Boring there is no quality discussion. All i see is zoro vs sanji catfight.

Is this fairly common in this forum ?
It usually goes like this
When spoilers drop we talk about spoilers and some discussions are good quality actually but then after there is nothing more to talk about it magically turns into a Sanji Vs Zoro / power level discussion thread
Basically some random Zoro fan say something like "Any info about Zoro"
Then some random Sanji fan say " Zoro sucks "
Then another Zoro fanboy replies " No Lanji sucks Zolo's santolyuh" and starts to @ the whole SwordBoys conspiracy and many people get drag into that sh** even people who are not Zoro or Sanji fans (stay here for a little and you will join this sh** too) then eventually someone say "Ya but akainu can one shot Zolo " and someone else say " Pftt Akainu got neg diffed by WB" >> " Pftt WB got Killed by 1 of akainu's punches" >> and so on it turns into an X character Vs the rest of the world
There is a distinct difference between someone having skills in only one area and someone having skills in one area, in addition to others. It says his swordsmanship is at the top level, that does not automatically mean that that is his only style of fighting. Moreover, like I said it says swordmaster, not fighter. So it does not in any way mean MIhawk>Shanks. This is basic comprehension. Tyson Fury might be a better boxer than Brock Lesnar, but as a fighter Brock>. You are making a lot of deductive errors and then adding emojis to these errors like you're proving something. What you're proving is that you need to go read up on logic. Your conclusion does not follow from your premises.

I've said my piece in any event. What I've said is supported by the manga where Mihawk himself says that a conclusion to who is stronger, won't be reached due to him not wanting to fight a one-armed Shanks.
he is a swordsmaster
databook and canon story puts mihawk above all swordsmasters
doesnt know how shanks fights yet seems to know his swordsmanship is at the top level.
wondering why my emoji's are bothering so much but thats besides the point. am less interested in your brock lesnar comparison. by your logic since shanks is a swordsmaster and is stronger than mihawk , why is he waiting for someone else when he has someone that can take him down right now.
you argue logic but bring no evidence at all here. I dont want to hear a "logical" comment from someone who thinks marco is equal to the fleet admiral in strength.
where is kizaru stated to be a swordsmaster sir?
find the source
akainu will be luffy's fight and folks keep pushing it away because it more than likely happens after he has taken down a yonko
how he feels about the scar on his chest and ace's death and akainu in general is very apparent.
there were two folks highlighted to grow in prominence over the two year timeskip
bb becoming a yonko
and akainu becoming fleet admiral
those are his eos antagonist not for sabo or dragon. mark my words.
Yeah Dragon is saved either for Akainu of for Im or for Kong
Idk Dragon's role is a special one compared to the emperors and admirals. Dude's been building up his army in parallel to Luffy's rise since chapter 100. His army officers have bailed out luffy multiple times. Along with directly helped his crew grow strong.

Oda could either be setting up a Father & Son vs Imu fight.. or.. have Dragon fall to Imu for Luffy to then beat him.

Kong / Akainu dont make sense for me, due to not being CDs. Dragon's fight is directly with the CD, so he should help take down or atleast clash with the strongest of the CD.

His words to Ivankov were: "They'll watch as I change the world"
Only way to do that is to topple the King of the World.

Oda could also go with Garp/Dragon/Luffy , holy trinity type of a thing against IMU, since all 3 have something against the CD, Oda going out of his way to even emphasis in it for Garp in chapter 905 and then especially chapter 957.
It would've been an obito like moment if he did.

-> enter the reverie
-> leave after declaring war

Oda more than likely just wants to save him up for a final grand show down against the CD, rather than Obito 2.0.

But him not being there did lessen the hype.
Any chance we may get to see him in Wano??
I know its unlikely, but Oda did introduce the drunken iron ore of which the weapons in dressrosa were made of and Dragon seemed interested in it

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
How do Admiral fans justify this implication from Oda regarding Kaido?
I don't take these words seriously because of the nature of the answer, but that in of itself isn't a strong counter argument.
The answer is quite simple:

Oda was deflecting the question to get people hyped for Wano. Like when someone asks a politician about healthcare and they respond by talking about building a border wall: a complete deflection that serves a completely separate purpose.

This quote was given right before WCI I believe. What was happening is that people in Japan were far more interested in Akainu Sama than they were for Crydo, and far more excited for Akainu’s arc than Kaido’s.

So when a fan asks Oda about the much more interesting Akainu, Oda was like “shit I’d better hype Kaido or they won’t buy Wano volumes!!” So he took the opportunity to give a deflection-gag answer that attempted to get people excited for Wano, when clearly all everyone wants to see is Akainu and the Admirals, not the Yonko.
Actually it does unless you can prove the other party was holding back.

If you can find a databook quote saying that Vista fought equally with Mihawk then all that means is Mihawk=Vista.
You can easily prove the admirals were holding back. They weren't using their awakenings, and they didn't need to go all out. When the situation calls for it, and the admirals NEED to go all out, they can permanently change the geography of an island. They can be confident in themselves to go after 2 yonkos, alone. That is what the admirals are capable of when they NEED to go all out. They are not like those stupid brutes that go all out when hunting rabbits. Admirals are like Mihawk. They don't bother with small fries.
Any chance we may get to see him in Wano??
I know its unlikely, but Oda did introduce the drunken iron ore of which the weapons in dressrosa were made of and Dragon seemed interested in it
We could potentially get some RA action going on in Wano, at best a recon team I think, unless they make Wano the new RA hq (which would be a good strategical idea). But doubtful we would get Dragon himself there, they're probably too busy with what happened with the RA commanders.
The answer is quite simple:

Oda was deflecting the question to get people hyped for Wano. Like when someone asks a politician about healthcare and they respond by talking about building a border wall-a complete deflection that serves a completely separate purpose.

This quote was given right before WCI I believe. What was happening is that people in Japan were far more interested in Akainu Sama than they were for Crydo, and far more excited for Akainu’s arc than Kaido’s.

So when a fan asks Oda about the much more interesting Akainu, Oda was like “shit I’d better hype Kaido or they won’t buy Wano volumes!!” So he took the opportunity to give a gag answer that attempted to get people excited for Wano, when clearly all everyone wants to see is Akainu and the Admirals, not the Yonko.
This is very similar to my answer.
It's also worth mentioning this SBS is 3/4 volumes after Kaido's extremely hyped up introduction, the same introduction that Oda hyped him up with the "people say" quote. Still no concrete and explicit quote from Oda proving that he truly is the World's Strongest Creature, just really ambiguous and vague statements. Makes you wonder, Oda is willing to give definitive titles to Whitebeard, Dragon and Mihawk, why not for Kaido? The only plausible answer is that Kaido is a fraud.
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