Speculations There is no point to X Drake

X Drake is the only marine from the supernova.

The only issue is, Oda already set up two major marine allies: Smoker and Koby. As a result, there is just no place for X Drake.

Regardless of power level, Koby is clearly much more relevant than him. As Garp stated, Koby is the future of the marines.

The fact that he is Garp’s protege and a haki based fighter clearly sets him up to have CoC. This gives him a clear pathway to becoming admiral.

Smoker is a logia. He hence has one of the strongest DFs and mastery over said power would surely give him a pathway to becoming admiral.

Drake on the other hand has no such pathways. His DF is mid and the dude ain’t awakening CoC in his 30s. The best he can be is a weaker version of Lucci.

Hence I don’t see the point to him. I feel like the only way he can be relevant is if he dies and Helmeppo gets his DF.