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The End and the Beginning
I’m not gonna semantic on what a case is lol (I think reasons for a read is a case)

But basically I’m saying you didn’t mention hedging at first, but said I did something I didn’t and why that impacted your read. I corrected it. Then you just moved the goal post to saying the hedging was scummy without even conceding or correcting the original thought
I did mention you were obtuse which is what that came under - but noted, I could have been more explicit with my wording. So now what Prof?
Okay but there is a difference between someone being like Naomi and reading into someone saying that they were in the thread at that point to determine this. Also I don't really think that's the case for Conq and you were just in a game where he was town and super inactive for large stretches so..
Which I pointed out, but I am not transposing my expectations of Conq onto Prof under the assumption that Prof is more familiar with him, I am saying that Prof can square this if he can back up Conq being cannon fodder to him.
I did mention you were obtuse which is what that came under - but noted, I could have been more explicit with my wording. So now what Prof?
Idk what now, mostly all I can give are town reads and rest null at the moment lol (and y’all are ruining my workout)

Can you explain this post in more/different words? (The first part)


The End and the Beginning
Glad to see you answered! So the attempt to "one post" Conq already felt disingenuous, because you're having to force a read you otherwise wouldn't make to get there, and then tying that to his enjoyment of the theme felt like a way to flesh out your thought process without actually doing so - you simply picked an alignment and then had the surrounding evidence fit to that.
@Dr_Professor83 for your reference, this is where the hedging comes into it.


The End and the Beginning
Idk what now, mostly all I can give are town reads and rest null at the moment lol (and y’all are ruining my workout)

Can you explain this post in more/different words? (The first part)
My critique was you mentioned it being a one post read which I think devalues the argument, I'm saying it was done intentionally to give yourself wiggle room. I'm aware that's looking at it from an angle where your actions are purely scum motivated, but you know well enough that I'm looki g for something from your defence primarily and any real lynch push is goi g to be as a result of that and not this.


Can´t help thinking that this Prof thing is a trap, it seems too unnecessary to frame Conq like that early on as a maf.

Since that Prof train has been putting on speed at the same time Ekko has stepped back as if he wanted to stay aside and let that wagon build up instead a wagon on him.


The End and the Beginning
I don’t understand how that means hedging. That reads as accusing me of backfilling
It's hedging. By saying it's a one post read you are saying g you think he could be scum but also giving yourself enough room to pivot if that position no longer remains viable. It's literally situating your read into a position where you can either push it or disregard it depending on how it develops. I don't really see how it would be back filling at all?
thoughts on aurelian, psychic, sallu?
Just got to this post. Sorry bb.

Fang seems fine so far. There's an early showing of wanting to solve.

Psychic feels pingy to me. She seems a bit jumpy and I feel like she's tried to shade me twice so far over my alliance. I low key think I baited a wolf reaction there.

Sallu seems low energy and I thought the few posts he made were kind of meh and lacked any kind of energy or emotion.
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