Does Coby have COC?

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I’m a believer that ALL of the 10 titanic captains are awakened fruit users.
The fuck are you on about? Most of them just recently got their DFs. Unless BB knows some cheating way to immediately awaken any fruit, I don't expect them to show any sign of awakening before the fights against the SHs.
The fuck are you on about? Most of them just recently got their DFs. Unless BB knows some cheating way to immediately awaken any fruit, I don't expect them to show any sign of awakening before the fights against the SHs.
BB is THE devil fruit crew. Shanks is THE haki crew.

I fully expect BB to have “some cheating way” to immediately awaken any fruit.
People literally ignore what the characters themselves want. In addition, many have some kind of obsession associated with Garp. Even if some parallels exist, they should not be taken too straightforwardly. Zoro's personality is very different from Rayleigh's.
Arguments I see a lot are, koby got Garp killed or where’s Kobys top tier observation haki. Not only are they wrong, but they set expectations for characters they haven’t seen and get mad when ssid character doesn’t reach their standards
Arguments I see a lot are, koby got Garp killed or where’s Kobys top tier observation haki. Not only are they wrong, but they set expectations for characters they haven’t seen and get mad when ssid character doesn’t reach their standards
we know observation doesn't work right when people are distracted and that Shiryu would have snuck Garp eventually regardless
Comparing someone who had resigned himself to death, couldn't use CoO or CoC to a fighter who blitzed Kuzan and can use CoC effectively?

Old Garp beats Sickbeard 10/10 times, it's not even debatable.
Sickbeard charged in against 3 admirals, 7 warlords, GARP, and Sengoku.

Took HUNDREDS of stabs, shots, canonfire, magma fists, lasers, etc.

Garp took out San Juan Wolf, then took two stabs, one punch, and that was it.

we know observation doesn't work right when people are distracted and that Shiryu would have snuck Garp eventually regardless
Right. If it wasn’t koby it would’ve been someone else. Koby fell victim to the trap because he’s too kind to a fault…when Garp tells koby to not flatter himself I think that’s Oda talkin to the reader as well. As in, shiryu would’ve gotten an opportunity with koby or not, Onmy reason Garp realized was either fs or just straight up battle experience.another thing is that observation base only senses presence, understanding intentions is a seperate thing of itself, which is why Grus was able to notice that he’s been there longer
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