Does Coby have COC?

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Old Whitebeard feats been better than Old Garp feats to be honest, I start to understand how insane strong Whitebeard was. Depends on sickness, poor heart attack and old age, weak haki, he did put a crazy feat in Marineford. In both DC and endurance.

His Prime version was probably something else and I fail to see anyone be above someone like Primebeard except Roger and Xebec.
Gotta disagree bro. Actually I think if you pay attention you can see that Old Garp has equalled most of MF WB's feats and even surpassed some. WB feats were just presented more spectacular.
This was Akainu after WB hit him with every ounce of life left in him.

This is Kuzan after casual sparring with Garp.

Based on this alone Garp performed superior.
Not at all, Zoro has always been the strongest Strawhat solely because of Asura.
Zoro would beat any of the strawhats 1 on 1 (until Luffy got conquerors coating)
Asura was literally the equivalent to sanji getting dj back in ennies lobby.

Sanji two shot jabra the best tekkai user in cp9 and zoro was gonna die until he used asura and one shot kaku

Sanji uses soru to easily side step asura and proceeds to leave a dent in zoros forehead. Just like current sanji is too fast for zoro to land asura.
Koby having CoC would be a bit weird I guess. Koby as a 16 year old was a cabin boy slave to Alvida and scared to death of showing courage. But we know those born conquerors have a rebellious and courageous character since childhood. Now that formerly 16 year old boot licker is suddenly a natural born conqueror, with that kingly Haki/ambition?
We gotta stop analysing CoC users personality because clearly Oda gives it to anyone he wants too. Koby is everything a CoC user shouldn't be.
Katakuri was a subordinate with no ambition to lead either.
Gotta disagree bro. Actually I think if you pay attention you can see that Old Garp has equalled most of MF WB's feats and even surpassed some. WB feats were just presented more spectacular.
Lol, he fell down and waited till WB died. That says how rekt and afraid he was after WB two shot him. Curiel also no diffed the apparent damaji Lakainu gave him.
Yes. Take 8 year old Luffy going solo against the bandits for insulting his friends. Or Ace as an 10 year old going against the Bluejam pirates.

Compare that to Coby, who is (almost) twice the age, 16 (!) and licking the boots of a fodder like Alvida because he pisses his pants at the thought of having his ass spanked. You are born with those qualities of a king, you inherit it. You can't be a crybaby scared of having your ass spanked as a 16 year old if you are born with these qualities.
You guys created your own thinking "crybabies can't be CoC users"

I guess Luffy sucks since he was crying hard when Ace died and lost his crew
Coby shouldn't cry when he witnesses and sense the aura of war as people are losing their minds and lives?

What exactly did you expect him to do there in panic
Imagine you just unlocked CoO and start sensing every inner thought around you in the mifs of war
You want someone like Coby to fight Akainu?

He showed his courageousness by screaming and telling everyone to stop the fight
That speech is what led Shanks to make his speech too

"Licking a boot of fodder" coby was weaker than Alvia
What exactly did you expect a weakling to do to someone stronger than him?
You're the same guys thinking Mihawk has CoC while being under Buggy the clown and ready to follow Crocodile's plans
People weaker than him.

Coby was always gonna awaken CoC
You guys just suck at reading the story
Cracker would die to Shadow Asgard's shockwaves btw.
No? First of all, Shadow Asgard Moriah is giga slow and lacks actual AP despite cracking TB. Why? Because the same Moriah was destroyed by gears stacking and it has nothing besides pure brute force. An Elephant Gun is far stronger than the Pre-TS version of gears stacking and would knock Moriah's light out with ease.

Cracker easily overpowered this Elephant Gun and Cracker's biscuit soldiers can take at least one Kong Gun before getting destroyed.

Not to mention that Moriah couldn't even handle 1000 shadows at once. It was too much. Cracker has attacks like Pretzel which can also be used on long-range as well - aiming this towards Moriah a few times should success the win.

Now, if this was Prime Moriah, Cracker would definitely lose tho.
I think the Old gen supremacy mainly applies too WB and Roger if at all. Rayleigh,Garp, Sengoku, Shiki, Oden there are people in the current gen equal to these or even stronger.

We're in the climax era of the OP world, it makes no sense for no Luffy oponnent to not reach that level at least or surpass that.
If there just was a FB that was dedicated to showing how Kuzan has reached Prime Garp in physicals lmao.
And ? Aokiji at that time was just an apprentice , mf never got to know what Haki is ; His fighting style was built at that time to be a brawler type like Garp and then he got his DF to reinforce his already fighting style ; u all trynna to show like Aokiji being a brawler is just a secondary thing while it is what he learnt first and foremost when he was just an amateur this is like saying Zoro training in Dojo with his sensei and learning Swordmanship and after wards he gets Kaido's DF and he stops being a swordman since you know that Dragon Fruit isn't even something related to Swordmanship , each Admiral got a clear fighting style that he reinforces its power with his newly DF same thing is for Fujitora was a monster swordman before even getting his DF and funnily enough when he got it he reinforced his swordmanship and same for Law , kizaru etc etc .
Stop the cope. Garp was out here going all out doing his best while Kuzan put his bum ass to sleep with basic punches and fodder Ice slashes. Had he gone Punk Hazard on his old ass then the plot would've ended in less than 2 minutes but Hachinosu was done too.
Tf u mean going all out ? it's a group fighting against a single one and from time to time he gets sneaked ( shiryu ) .

in Clear exchanges 1v1 , aokiji never got a single clear W ; let's see :

1/ He used ice time and the ice broke and he got blitzed and sent down a hole with blue hole .

2/ Off screen fight where no one could see aokiji and having Garp taking care of other teach pirates with other fodder , and funnily enough fodders stated how even with Aokiji around they found him to be a great Wall , read this :
However Oda clearly tried to hype Shiryu and and with Viz it is even more clear.

He was clearly fighting for long enough already off-panel be it Kuzan or the other TC,yet the fodder were like this

The moment shiryu landed his attack they were like this

Sure it is a sword so a more lethal attack than the one he has taken in his head off screen ,doesn't mean it wasn't meant to hype up Shiryu.
3/ the only time , Aokiji achieved a stalemate was against a Weakened Garp ( mentioned two times by fodders ) who used CoA and both went down .

Even someone on ur side @LANJI CUCKSMOKE can already see that , it's time to accept obvious .
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