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I mean you asked why you'd do it, you didn't deny doing or nor did you wonder how they'd even know it was you who presumably did it.
You didn't provide a reason you degenerate. You just said "sounds like something I would do". Didn't you earlier insinuate I enjoy arguing with him? How does that make any sense? Go on.
X possible wolf as well, he's got too much sugar in the tank and not enough spice.
This is a lazy read. I think if you actually looked at my posts and what I've been doing, there is legitimate desire for me to solve and try to win this game for town. What are you looking for in regards to spice? Because I think this is a pretty tired argument that continues to get thrown at me when I play and you should know better than to do that. It's also ironic because when I asked Naomi about reads, she said you were being too nice, so she had her eye on you, only for you to start being 'mean' after that post. It seems to me that you may care a bit about how people perceive you this game.
You didn't provide a reason you degenerate. You just said "sounds like something I would do". Didn't you earlier insinuate I enjoy arguing with him? How does that make any sense? Go on.
Scum you could spin such a situation to be in your benefit, although maybe you'd value personal enjoyment over your own benefit, I dunno

I'm not chasing this thought experiment any further, not invested
This is a lazy read. I think if you actually looked at my posts and what I've been doing, there is legitimate desire for me to solve and try to win this game for town. What are you looking for in regards to spice? Because I think this is a pretty tired argument that continues to get thrown at me when I play and you should know better than to do that. It's also ironic because when I asked Naomi about reads, she said you were being too nice, so she had her eye on you, only for you to start being 'mean' after that post. It seems to me that you may care a bit about how people perceive you this game.
I think you're town actually, but I don't care - have fun galavanting with Naomi or whatever you intend to do this game
This is a lazy read. I think if you actually looked at my posts and what I've been doing, there is legitimate desire for me to solve and try to win this game for town. What are you looking for in regards to spice? Because I think this is a pretty tired argument that continues to get thrown at me when I play and you should know better than to do that. It's also ironic because when I asked Naomi about reads, she said you were being too nice, so she had her eye on you, only for you to start being 'mean' after that post. It seems to me that you may care a bit about how people perceive you this game.
Ultra is just being his normal self this game tbh
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