Pizarro got defeated by Garp + Coby + Grus + Helmeppo lol.
Helmeppo only served as a diversion for fodders and Grus only protected the ship from debris, they didn't take active part in attacking Pizarro nor blocking him.
Garp almost oneshot him. That's alright, that's to be expected, it's actually great for Pizarro to have survived that.
But then Koby oneshot his giant arm, with Pizarro still conscious and controlling it, and the damage got replicated on his real body. That alone means Koby can actually defeat Pizarro in a 1vs1 even if he didn't do so this chapter. One hit for each arm and he can't use them anymore as Koby moves on to hit his head.
Unless Pizarro is hiding something crazy, his giant-form durability and the weakness of the receiving the damage from his island is too much, he's not the monster I thought he would be. Current Sanji can likely take him easy.