Does Coby have COC?

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Dude hahahaha.

Coby destroyed a lifeless pice of rock. If not for Garp harming Pizarro he would never do it.

G3 DR Luffy was doing much better than Coby on his own without anyone setting him up.

Look at Vergo vs Law. Look the size of cut Law need to pull to cut Vergo in half. This is way greater than what Coby did.

Look at the dialogue. Grus heavily implied he could have destroyed the giant arm. Thing is no one else would be able to stop the rocks from falling on ship.

Helmeppo useless though.
Grus did not implied that and his reaction to koby oding it tell all we need take that L .


It's amazing how boa, doffy, Smoker neither katakuri has mountain busting feats
Doflamingo destroying a fucking Country with his Cage. WTF are you talking?

Katakuri making big ass arms just like Pizarro inside Mirror World to fight Luffy.

Coby didn't believed himself could do it. He didn't had the AP for that. Haki bloom for him. Man is not Conqueror he will never have CoC.
Sai isn't Koby
Stop comparing two characters with two different potentials

Doffy with awakening doesn't get boosted the same as Law with awakening does
It's all about potentials

Koby awakening CoC makes him much stronger than awakening Koka did make Sai be
I’m not comparing their potential. I keep saying Koby has exponentially more potential than sai of all characters. I’m comparing the fact that Koby like sai got a massive boost in ap/dc but he didn’t suddenly get tiers and tiers stronger

Law at the end of the day will be stronger than Doflamingo due to his potential. That doesn’t mean he was leagues above doffy in onigashima

Again sai unlocked dragon drill not armament
Current Koby isn’t suddenly above everyone without conquerors
Pizarro got defeated by Garp + Coby + Grus + Helmeppo lol.
Helmeppo only served as a diversion for fodders and Grus only protected the ship from debris, they didn't take active part in attacking Pizarro nor blocking him.

Garp almost oneshot him. That's alright, that's to be expected, it's actually great for Pizarro to have survived that.

But then Koby oneshot his giant arm, with Pizarro still conscious and controlling it, and the damage got replicated on his real body. That alone means Koby can actually defeat Pizarro in a 1vs1 even if he didn't do so this chapter. One hit for each arm and he can't use them anymore as Koby moves on to hit his head.

Unless Pizarro is hiding something crazy, his giant-form durability and the weakness of the receiving the damage from his island is too much, he's not the monster I thought he would be. Current Sanji can likely take him easy.
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