Speculations Awakened Kizaru Will Fight Literally Everyone On Egghead

I'm guessing that CP0 will be defeated and our MCs will gain control of the seraphim.

The set up is obvious.

Kizaru with his awakening vs Luffy and the Straw Hats, the seraphim, Bonney, and all of the Vegapunks.

An extreme difficulty fight where a combination of tactics and coordination is needed to repel the Yellow Monkey.
Well, Kizaru is not alone, he requested all available ships to head to egghead, some vice admirals will be there as well. I'm not sure about the Seraphims, personally I have a hard time finding a place for them in the series, for me they are more of nuisance to the story then anything meaningful.
I'd love to see Zoro, Sanji and Jimbei team up to fight Kizaru. Soloing 1 admiral might still a bit too early for them but 3 of them team up might be interesting.
Would be nice if Zoro cut Kizarus cheek, Sanji stopped his attack and Jinbei aimed a water rifle against Kizaru like Beckman referencing previous scenes. One of them saying "you can't go for the king at your first try" showing Luffys commanders are strong enough to stop an admiral from even getting near Yonko Luffy.
I hope Kizaru faces as many opponents as possible but I think G5 would be last cause I don't see him overwhelming him and facing others simultaneously. We'll probably get Nika nika awakening contrasted with Logia awakening with further exposition from Vegapunk.

As for prior to facing Luffy, clashing with Zoro would be nice and hopefully with more of the Straw Hats. Luffy's kinda busy looking for Bonney so Oda could go the route of Kizaru first stopping to assess the situation outside the labs with CP0, Straw Hats, punks and Seraphims or go directly inside to deal with Luffy.

Regardless I think Oda will treat Kizaru well, I just don't think losing or getting overwhelmed by Luffy constitutes bad treatment or anything.