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I think killing town lead first puts a tinfoil on things
If he has to kill 4 fellas he would've been better off laying low with inactives or scum read players first

Though even if he was telling the truth I ain't feelin too good on it
Usually I'm fine with workin with Indies but somethin stinks this time
I probably would've been more willing to play ball if we didn't lose 5 fellas already
Not to mention even after getting his 4 townies he still needs to find 2 mafias which could lead to more crossfire
... that's good point actually, killing inactives he could work towards his wincon while pretending to be town vig

@Dr_Professor83 you were pretty confident that conq is scum right? why not shooting him? i assume it would be more difficult to find/kill 2 mafia members, so why not shooting someone you're confident was mafia?
... that's good point actually, killing inactives he could work towards his wincon while pretending to be town vig

@Dr_Professor83 you were pretty confident that conq is scum right? why not shooting him? i assume it would be more difficult to find/kill 2 mafia members, so why not shooting someone you're confident was mafia?
I assume town is gonna have vigs lol. So wasn’t eager to get into a situation where there are too many.

Also, I feel like shooting inactives is less valuable to my long term survival than offing people who may push me and figured if I was ever gonna have to claim I didn’t want it to be after I got mafia kills and was purely anti town


The End and the Beginning
Haven't got time to catch up, I'll do that tomorrow morning- but reading g over the end of day I really think Prof is scum lol. I grabbed the post below - his progression around Flower was horrible. Ultra raised a good point regarding how he threw away his tell on Kagura when it was convenient (btw @Psylocke this co-operation thing isn't going so well, I said Kagura was lean town and tried to convey why as best i could at the time, but you completely ignored this and I want an explanation) and his final vote on inactive Conq left much to be desired. But the big thing that keyed me on was how he handled Flower.

So you completely no selling the truth tell? I agree with everything you’ve got to say on her play lol
This post is basically him asking g Ultra to give him a reason to keep his vote on the wagon - he's not interested in scumhunting so much as he is being safe afterwards.

In other words just sheep me on this guy I'm literally never wrong

Vote: Dr_Professor83
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