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The End and the Beginning
Is anyone going to fill me I or do I need to read 20 pages or what?

I don't think I trust the Indie claim on the surface of it but I need to see what he actually claimed


False Idol
Has he full claimed?

If not @Dr_Professor83 do so
My Pokémon is Eevee.

Every day I unlock a new Eevee Evo

I got Vaporeon & Umbreon rn. Vap let’s me change WUs to whatever I want, which I’ve already changed to lynch immunity for a phase. Umbreon let’s me steal a dead players ability permanently (I can hold two at a time). Can’t steal killing abilities unfortunately

I’m immune to all actions for the first 3 cycles

I have a kill


The End and the Beginning
Thanks for letting me know you’re mafia.
Can you explain this please

You can me some spiel yesterday about how you'll respect my reads and then proceeded to ignore them

Kagura wasn't scummy, she was annoyed, and it correlated exactly when you started calling her an ass kisser.

Well whatever, you can do whatever you want, I just won't listen
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