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The End and the Beginning
Very early to be honest, wanted to lighten the mood with something funny, was not townreading you and you deserved it for Gramm and you sending two faction kills in a row at me in the JJK round :P
Alright fair enough I guess

I was tinfoiling that the timing of it was to help Ultra but with him flipping town it probably doesn't work anyway

I hope what little I did was worth it


Alright fair enough I guess

I was tinfoiling that the timing of it was to help Ultra but with him flipping town it probably doesn't work anyway

I hope what little I did was worth it
I claimed it because I needed to clarify that Prof was not lying about not being able to be targetted by anything and I don´t want us to waste abilities and a lynch on him here. It´s such a shame he´s immune to all actions, otherwise he would have been forced to make his PhD in Pokemonology today by naming 2 different pokemons in every post he makes, it would have been fitting so well to the Pokemon flavour :peperain:
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