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I read nothing except the flips and the rep, that means Flower was town isn't it?
Lies!!! There is no way just the flips tells u that.
people literally confirm through mech that she was town.
Funny how u appeared the moment your name was mention
but claimed u didnt read anything yet somehow knew Flower was town
day 1, nothing noteworthy
day 2, nothing lean town

scum locked're just so.....what's the word............brilliant. Keep up the good work.

why me = fry me
I actually thought there was something there in regards to how he just showed up to talk about it being able to play and then left again but apparently had read enough to have a strong scum read on you. The issue for you of course was your faux scum hunting
who is "he?" ekko?
Read literally the post before that

Charlie went out of his way to defend Flower, to the point where Ultra proferred that it was some kind of buddying with one another. Flower was probably town - Charlie doesn't really gain anything from this and it's not in his wheelhouse to defend his Queen Flower to win her favour when he's scum. Flower coming in today in a fairly apathetic slot to shade him looks awful to me, because she more than anyone should have been able to understand how Charlie's motivations could be pure.
alright that makes sense. thank you.

Vote lynch Flower
Lies!!! There is no way just the flips tells u that.
people literally confirm through mech that she was town.
Funny how u appeared the moment your name was mention
but claimed u didnt read anything yet somehow knew Flower was town're just so.....what's the word............brilliant. Keep up the good work.

why me = fry me

who is "he?" ekko?

alright that makes sense. thank you.

Vote lynch Flower
i feel like i just got patronized :feelsokeman:


The End and the Beginning
explain to me how you are town :endthis:
Nothing I say to this question will be good enough, I'm not going to town case myself unless I really need to and even then, it's mostly a waste of time with you.

It's not just this game, every single game this is what it's like with you Naomi, fortunately for me you're a very easy read so I don't need to keep focusing on your posts. You do whatever it is you need to do, keep wasting your abilities on me, knock yourself out
Nothing I say to this question will be good enough, I'm not going to town case myself unless I really need to and even then, it's mostly a waste of time with you.

It's not just this game, every single game this is what it's like with you Naomi, fortunately for me you're a very easy read so I don't need to keep focusing on your posts. You do whatever it is you need to do, keep wasting your abilities on me, knock yourself out
i'v ignored you other games, you flipped scum there to or indie.
prof vs ratchet day 1, artificial focus argument, stayed out every one way. while town self destructed on it own.

oh look prof rolled scum, now buddy ratchet :seriously:
Well actually I'd like you to explain because I can't see it from your ISO - why did you think Flower was the best vote yesterday?
I wasn't active enough all day to have solid reads, I saw small wagons on Ultra, Ekko, Kiku iirc was one more but I can't remember from the top of my head and I wanted to read more from all of them and I thought Flower is avoiding activity like she did whem we were scum together.
Lies!!! There is no way just the flips tells u that.
people literally confirm through mech that she was town.
Funny how u appeared the moment your name was mention
but claimed u didnt read anything yet somehow knew Flower was town
Hello!!! In a game a player is replaced in only if it's uninformed. Logic is not hard.

But thanks for telling me I was right

What do u think on Ekko being scum.
He led the Flower lynch and Ultra did sussed him.
he threaten to faction kill Ultra as a joke but Idk maybe he's open scumming.
Ekko can definitely be wolf. I think there's a similar play here when him and I were mates in Weebs. I do sense some solving from him but there's almost a hesitancy to go too fast on slots he actually wolf reads. Ekko wouldn't want to burn through the other wolf team too quickly if he was wolf himself. His push of Flower was also pretty meh. Good shout for a wolf slot i think.
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