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The End and the Beginning
Ekko was pretty sus yesterday and was on top of ultra's sus list.
He also led a pretty futile lynch on Flower who we now know is town
Was he top of Ultra's scum list? I don't feel like Ultra really put much into the game - he just looked like he wanted to argue with some of the players he likes. "Was pretty sus yesterday" tells me exactly nothing about what the actual suspicion is, you're telling me he was suspicious because he was suspicious.

I'll give you the Flower lynch but you're not giving wider consideration to his play - he also pivoted off and was doing his due diligence around the wagon. I mean frankly he was the only one leading anything. I don't really want to write a defence for him but the suspicion on him strikes me as coming from paranoia mostly. I'll be frank Psychic I don't think Ekko is the kind of player as scum to be leading all the lynches.

Which reminds me, there was one comment you made yesterday that I want shoring up - you claimed that you can't read Ekko, to which I took to mean you have a poor record reading him... can you qualify that for me please?


The End and the Beginning
If this slot is scum I’m gonna riot after getting into trouble for one posting it D1
I actually thought there was something there in regards to how he just showed up to talk about it being able to play and then left again but apparently had read enough to have a strong scum read on you. The issue for you of course was your faux scum hunting


The End and the Beginning
Look least explain WHY?
If u want me to follow you, give me a valid reason.
Read literally the post before that

Charlie went out of his way to defend Flower, to the point where Ultra proferred that it was some kind of buddying with one another. Flower was probably town - Charlie doesn't really gain anything from this and it's not in his wheelhouse to defend his Queen Flower to win her favour when he's scum. Flower coming in today in a fairly apathetic slot to shade him looks awful to me, because she more than anyone should have been able to understand how Charlie's motivations could be pure.
Was he top of Ultra's scum list? I don't feel like Ultra really put much into the game - he just looked like he wanted to argue with some of the players he likes. "Was pretty sus yesterday" tells me exactly nothing about what the actual suspicion is, you're telling me he was suspicious because he was suspicious.

I'll give you the Flower lynch but you're not giving wider consideration to his play - he also pivoted off and was doing his due diligence around the wagon. I mean frankly he was the only one leading anything. I don't really want to write a defence for him but the suspicion on him strikes me as coming from paranoia mostly. I'll be frank Psychic I don't think Ekko is the kind of player as scum to be leading all the lynches.

Which reminds me, there was one comment you made yesterday that I want shoring up - you claimed that you can't read Ekko, to which I took to mean you have a poor record reading him... can you qualify that for me please?
Ekko acts the same whether he's town or mafia, so I have a hard time reading him. He also leads wagons as mafia, as seen in last weebs game.

T-Pein said him giving up was a sign of him not being his town self. and Tpein has more games with Ekko so I trust him.
Ultra also said he acted differently around me.
I thought him saying "hi" to me in the beg of game came out as super friendly and an attempt at pocketing.
Of course you know Ekko better than anyone, are you sure you dont scumread him at all?
Or maybe you guys are on the same scum team lol.


The End and the Beginning
Ekko acts the same whether he's town or mafia, so I have a hard time reading him. He also leads wagons as mafia, as seen in last weebs game.
I'm not sure how true that is - sounds to me like you just don't really read his play beyond a surface level. I'll give you the Weebs game but I think there is a fair bit if difference, and my point really is that I don't expect him as scum to be responsible for both the 1st and 2nd wagons.
T-Pein said him giving up was a sign of him not being his town self. and Tpein has more games with Ekko so I trust him.
Well if you have reason to trust T-Pein's alignment then by all means.
Ultra also said he acted differently around me.
I don't think it was a good argument to be honest, Ultra also insisted Flower was scum so I mean you can't be selective here.
I thought him saying "hi" to me in the beg of game came out as super friendly and an attempt at pocketing.
That's up to you I guess - I don't see how it's pocketing and I've seen him be far more buddy buddy with you in other games where he has been town.
Of course you know Ekko better than anyone, are you sure you dont scumread him at all?
I wouldn't say he is lock town or anything, I think with a bit if a stretch he is within his scum range still actually, but that just means he hasn't made himself obvious town. I'm not inclined to shoot him over that.
Or maybe you guys are on the same scum team lol.
Well if this is going to be the faith in while you handle my commentary then why even bother asking
Charlie can probably go btw. Idk how Flower 1.0 looked scummy from the lynch.
I’ll shoot into whatever consensus POE my masters decide to give me

Take your pick.
Will consult with master Ratchet lol
I would only shoot Michelle from that list. I have some reservations around Juliet but most of it is poor activity. Already talked about Hime, I'm not even sure what the case on Ekko is supposed to be
There is no way you come out of that end of day thinking Charlie is anything but Town

Stop it
Vote: Flower

@Naomi Sheep this
Look least explain WHY?
If u want me to follow you, give me a valid reason.
Besides him torturing you in previous games, is there any reason this game for me to believe he is scum?
day 1, nothing noteworthy
day 2, nothing lean town

scum locked
Going up to try to understand things

waiting for Ratchet to explain


The End and the Beginning
i'v been liking other post not about you stalker
I could quote every single post in this thread that either expresses some form of reading me scum or offers some disagreement with me, and I will find you have liked every single one of them.

Literally obsessed.
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