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Where have I done this? What???????


even saw blue call it out

2- @Naomi
3- @Pot Goblin
4- @Joygirl
6- @Mr. Reloaded
7- @RippedCal
8- @Juliet
9- @Random Asshole
10- @Michelle
11- @Charlie
12- @Kiku
13- @T-Pein™
14- @Sallucion
15- @~UwU~
16- @Psylocke
19- @Dr_Professor83
20- @hime
21- @Ratchet
24- @BakiDou
25- @Alwaysmind
26- @Ekkologix
27- @Flower
28- @Midnight Delight
29- @MonochromeYoru
30- @Destroya Trainer Destroya/ Killed Night 1 Revived Day 2

Let’s run it lol
I will end you Mr serial killer
We are not putting Pot as second in line to be lynched.
@Fujishiro Vote count when you're ready please


The End and the Beginning

even saw blue call it out
The tags were not the kill list Naomi, if you read the other posts Prof was making he said he had Pot and Ekko as the choices to be second wagon, I said we are not putting Pot in that position. Prof can pull up the quotes if you need to

JFC woman
The tags were not the kill list Naomi, if you read the other posts Prof was making he said he had Pot and Ekko as the choices to be second wagon, I said we are not putting Pot in that position. Prof can pull up the quotes if you need to

JFC woman
I’m afraid we’re busted. Nothing is gonna get past Naomi
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