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No dude... that's a bike...!!
pg 40

conq may actually be scum and we let him go day 1. kept delaying reading the thread then subbed out at end anyway. came at the end of day when questioned just to say so. why we leave this wagon again?

lanji still unsure. too friendly with me early. entrance was fine tho otherwise

hime's entrance looks better too with JW being bk to null she also saw him as sideliney, but the same can be said for pot juliet and joy. @hime why did u only make that comment for JW?


No dude... that's a bike...!!
pg 10, dont really like juliet's posts much
the prof posts came off as a forced attempt to meme around, i dunno
really? find that a bit surprising to only have a single read by now
hime picking up with jules as well

im not even gonna bother and fabricate something, i got nothing

except a desire to bring Ratchet down

Although a day 1 Flower lynch would be funny
@Ratchet u gon allow this from the budget waifubro?
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