-A blow that can break rocks- Chapter 981: Joining the battle
Fodder1: Apoo!!
Fodder2: Hey!! He's not from our side!! He's Captain Kid!!
Fodder1: Eh?! Another from the worst generation!?
Fodder2: He was supposed to be captured in 'Udon' too!!
Queen: Shouldn't Udon be with 'nothing unusual'!? Babanukiiiiiiii!!
Babanuki: (No problem)
Apoo: !!
Kid: I should have realized when you took the iniciative and joined our 'alliance' that you were already Kaidou's informant!!!!
Apoo: Do you think that even if we joined forces we would have crushed one of the 'Yonkous'? Look at reality!!
First of all, a pirate alliance can't get a happy ending!! Appappa, i thought you were killed already!!
Kid: Ugh!!
Apoo: Right, Kid?
Kid: (Smile) Trash
Fodders: Queen-san, capturing them 'alive' is difficult!
Queen: You can kill them!
Fodder: Yeaah!!
Killer: Kid, let's get away from here!
Fodders: There he is! As I thought it's "Killer"!
Fodders2: Hey stop, even if you kill him you will not become a "tobi roppou"!
Haccha: Hachahacha!! Hachaaaaaa!!!
Fodders: Uwaah, stop, it's dangerous!
Fodder1: 2 were defeated!!!
Fodder2: Someone stop him!!!
Kid: He can't be controlled...!? Is he a giant!? He's even bigger!
Haccha: Hachacha!!
[Numbers Haccha]
Fodders: Hey Haccha stop!
Fodder3: I'm taking Kid!
Luffy: Kizao, let's run to the castle!
Kid: !!
Luffy: God damn it!! As i thought you caused trouble, Kizao!!
Zoro: You are one to talk Luffy!!
Kid: You too Roronoa!!
Killer: (These guys are helpless) Faffa!!
Apoo: Check it out!!
Killer: Cover your ears!!
LuKiZo: !?
Apoo: "Doooon"♪
LuKiZo: .....!!!
Apoo: Tch
Killer: Apoo's attack range is 'the distance you can hear the sound'!! If you hear it you can't escape from it, be careful of the surprise attacks!!
Luffy&Zoro&Kidd: What?
Killer: !!!
Fodder1: The worst generation has gathered in this 'Onigashima'!!
Fodder2: If we kill them we will be famous!!
Fodder3: Did you know, Killer ate a failure of the SMILE and became a Pleasure?
Orochi in Killer's flashback: : If you eat it i will give you a chance to save you captain
Killer: ...
Kid: What's so funny!?
Fodders: Gyaaaaah
Killer(?): Stop Kid!
Luffy: Don't cause problems!
Who's who: .... Did they escape from 'Udon'?
Who's who's crew1: Should we go after them? We could earn an achievement.
Who's who: Let them be, they are just a few rats. More important, find Yamato and report it to me. We will earn more achievements with that. Don't let Sasaki go ahead(TL: I don't know if this would be gramatically correct, but basically he's saying to not let Sasaki find Yamato first)
Fodders: Yes!
Who's Who: That Queen really said it... If there's someone you want to kill, i have someone too....!!
BM: Maamamamama....!!! I got a call, the ship seems to be okay, they'll reach here soon.
???: That's weird, there aren't signs of a ship in the regular port, Big Mom.
BM: ..... What 'port'?
???: Eh?
[At the east of 'Onigashima'. The 'east army' Kin'emon's side]
[The disembarkation of the Samurais hasn't reach the ears of the enemies. Due to that situation the 'plan' changed]
[Now not all the samurais were going to the rear entrance but they separated in 2 groups at the mountain path]
[Half of them were going to go to the inside through the skull dome's side]
[Passing as an enemy and waiting until the moment to attack Kaidou]
[That's the plan to attack Kaidou and Orochi from both sides]
[One of the miscalculation was that the additional buildings weren't written in the old 'blueprints of the residence']
[A bridge in a watering place where Wisteria blooms]
[A bridge that with one sweep you can see the 'whorehouse']
Sanji: Kin'emon!! There's a whorehouse theeeeere♡!!
Kin'emon: It would be look too weird if more than 2000 soldiers go across that bridge
[This is Black Maria's house from the "Flying Six"]
Sanji: I'm coming in like if i'm being sucked in~~~!! (TL: Since this sounds weird af if someone knows a better way to say this then please @ me in the other thread i will edit that)
Kin'emon: Sanji-donoooo!!
Nami: Kin'emon, we're going to sneak in the inside too
Shinobu: We're going to form a team to search for Lord Momonosuke
MomoFlashback: I'll show you i can escape alone!!
Kin: !!
Nami: You are worried right? Leave that to us!!
Carrot: You can concentrate in the battle!
Kin'emon: Thank you..!! To be honest, i was distracted! I'll entrust him to you!!
Samurai(?): Someone came out from the whorehouse!!
Kin'emon: Sanji-dono!! It seems that you couldn't meet a prostitute!
Kin: If there aren't womans in the whorehouse then there aren't mans either!! We can go across the bridge now!!
[Hearing the disturbance that Luffy caused, now there were almost no people inside the whorehouse]
Kin: I'm counting on the people who are going to sneak inside!!
Samurais: Yes!
Chopper(?): Good, that's a good answer!
Kin: The rest follow me!!
Samurais: Yes!!
Kin: Mantain a watch over the windows of the whorehouses!!
If you see the shadow of a person in the windows...
BM: The outside is noisy...
Kin: Shit, jump into the water!!
On a waterfall outside Wano Kuni
BMP1: Let's go brothers!!
BMP2: Woooooo!!
Perospero: King!! I will not forgive him!! Perorin♪
Climb the waterfall!!
BMP1: Why does this country only have this kind of entrances!?
BMP2: They are crazy!!
Tablet: That can be said about the "alliance" with the beast pirates too!! They must be crazy!!
Perospero: What's Mama thinking!?
Smoothie: It's Mama's decision
Daifuku: An alliance!? Before that, remember what we came to do here!!
Mont-D'or&Galette: That's right, we came to show to the world the head of "Strawhat" who made our reputation fall
Flampe: More important, i will show you i can become Kaidou's favorite!!
BMP: Okay, we've arrived, Wano Kuni!! First we will take "Strawhat"'s head and then we talk about the alliance!! Prepare for the battle!! Don't let your guard down!
Perospero: Before, that bastard King made us...
BMP: Eh!?
Perospero: Eeeh!? King!? That bastard came to do something again... No, its not him!!!
Marco: Heeh
BMP: Marco!?
[Former First division commander of the pirates of White Beard, Marco the Phoenix]
Marco: So it was true the story about the alliance with the Big Mom pirates?
Then get out!!
Hououin(Phoenix Mark/Symbol)!!
BMP: !?
Pero's Pero: Are you kidding meeeee!?
Smoothie: Again!?
BMP: Why is Marco here!?
Marco: By the time you come back the era may move a little more.
Nekomamushi's ship: Hm?
Nekomamushi: What's happening? A big ship is falling nyaa
Izou: Look up, it's Marco's doing. It's been since that war.
-They've finally arrived!!-