Law, Kidd, and Luffy’s bounties were the same because they were in alliance, so they shared each others Miltary resources, including the support of Luffy and his crew.
I don’t agree with this. There is case for Mihawk alone being enough to take down the SH crew less Luffy, given his Swordsmanship exceeds Shanks, which one shot Kidd. Adding in Crocodile and the much bigger CG army makes it a stomp. In general there is no Yonko crew without their Yonko that is defeating CG due to Mihawk.
I don’t agree with this. There is case for Mihawk alone being enough to take down the SH crew less Luffy, given his Swordsmanship exceeds Shanks, which one shot Kidd. Adding in Crocodile and the much bigger CG army makes it a stomp. In general there is no Yonko crew without their Yonko that is defeating CG due to Mihawk.
The crew is bigger than just the senior captains and nah Idk if mihawk is beating Zoro, Sanji, Jinbe, along with the rest of the crew. Do you think luffy can do the same?