One Piece Chapter 1090: "Admiral Kizaru"

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Oh man the cope from our usual suspects is insane lmao.:vistalaugh:
To be honest even I didn't expect Luffy to shit his pants like this, thought he would look more surprised instead. But I guess Kizaru is that powerful.
I hope we finally see an admiral going all out. But really, I think Kizaru will be defeated this arc because this island is heavily connected to Kizaru and all those people related to him are there. Heck, we even saw short flashbacks of Kizaru.

The build up for an all out fight is definitely there - Kizaru is the antagonist of this arc and I don't think they will merely escape again. Like, what's even the point of avoiding an admiral again? Now this is Luffy's turn to have his rematch because like @EmperorKinyagi said, Kizaru literally mocked and treated Luffy like trash in MF, let alone SA when Luffy was unable to protect his crew from him.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Yet the Gorosei, who view humans as insects, were shocked when Imu ordered to nuke Lulusia Kingdom whilst looking like a madman. As far as Imu is rn, he's already looking very interesting as a final villain.


Oh man, I'm so anticipated at the upcoming battle! Kizaru's Yata no Kagami shows yet again that it is a LS move; the seabeasts couldn't even follow that light. Yet Sentomaru followed that light easily. So is it really not believable that light beams move with LS only because characters react to it?

Also, Luffy's shocked face at sensing Kizaru is just priceless. I truly want to see the rematch between those two.
I am curious about something.

We clearly see sea being highly wavy and chaotic... there are signs of tremors when kizaru moved

Now, I know anything with mass can't travel with speed of light but let's ignore this scientific fact because it's not necessary for oda to follow it per se.

So, did kizaru caused something like super massive Sonic boom by just moving?
We clearly see sea being highly wavy and chaotic... there are signs of tremors when kizaru moved
Now, I know anything with mass can't travel with speed of light but let's ignore this scientific fact because it's not necessary for oda to follow it per se.
So, did kizaru caused something like super massive Sonic boom by just moving?
Oh nice detail, I didn't recognize that!
Maybe that's really the case but I think that shockwave happened cuz Kizaru manipulated the barrier.
I am curious about something.

We clearly see sea being highly wavy and chaotic... there are signs of tremors when kizaru moved

Now, I know anything with mass can't travel with speed of light but let's ignore this scientific fact because it's not necessary for oda to follow it per se.

So, did kizaru caused something like super massive Sonic boom by just moving?
He's him


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Oh nice detail, I didn't recognize that!
Maybe that's really the case but I think that shockwave happened cuz Kizaru manipulated the barrier.
Or what if that's awakening?

We have seen PH right?

Here, we have sea waves being chaotic + Tremors on land....

And, super massive Sonic boom can create shock waves to cause both of them...
Are the gorosei literally non-human aliens? I hope Oda won't pull a kishimoto and make them all aliens that shat out a tree producing dfs or something

Oh and also fuck that psychopathic cunt Lucci. I strongly suspect kaku's not as safe in his recommended sleep as he thinks
Don't think so bc they were seen eating, drinking etc
Are the gorosei literally non-human aliens? I hope Oda won't pull a kishimoto and make them all aliens that shat out a tree producing dfs or something

Oh and also fuck that psychopathic cunt Lucci. I strongly suspect kaku's not as safe in his recommended sleep as he thinks
Nah they’re celestial dragons, gods chosen by the creator of the world to lead it
awesome chapter for both kizaru's character and hype. People thought just because he's layed back that he doesn't care about anything which this chapter proves wrong. He refused saturns order to respect his friend and also to protect his men/prevent casualties. And then the panel at the end of yonko luffy horrified of kizarus presence, ik yall yonko fans gonna hate that :milaugh: