Chapter Discussion Which SH member could have gone far WITHOUT becoming a SH

Probably only zoro. Luffy kinda awakens the dormant will in the others but zoro always had ambition. He was always working hard and always wanted to fight and become someone important.
Maybe some of them could have done something but on a smaller proportion.
Lmao, I see Zoro dying the first though, Helmeppo was lying about the promise, they scheduled his execution earlier, and on top of it, Zoro had a his life flashing in front of him when the marines shot at him while he's tied

Had he not met Luffy, he's dead I believe... but who knows, maybe the small girl would have taken the bullet for him and by some other plot he released himself, who knows Lol
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None being able to achieve their dream it's obvious enough
Probably only Franky and Robin

They will reach 1/4 part of new world of they're lucky enough

I'm not sure about Nami, but She's very good Navigator

Remember when Shiki tried to recruit her (non-canon but still)

If She join a powerful crew, she might achieve her dream or atleast the closest
Lmao, imagine Nami sailing forcebly with Arlong, then Arlong gets fucked by someone and they recruit Nami

That would be fun
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Maybe only Robin. She had big plans, had sufficient info and could have executed those while aligning with some big pirate.

Zoro. I think he wouldn't have had so much growth if he had not come across Mihawk(that is believing he would have not been executed). And that was a big coincidence. Else he would have remained small Bounty hunter.

Nami, maybe bt being Arlong would have limited her ever coming close to drawing the Map.

Rest, No.
Wasnt Zoro going to die tho ?
Lol, that's my answer... but apparantly some people just love putting him at number 1 even when logically it doesn't make sense
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Most of them are just dying or are trapped do to their situations
You don't think Ice-berg would have broke the shackles of Franky by telling him to forgive himself regardless if SH came or not?

I mean that was the only reason Franky stayed in Water 7, I think

He still stole 200 mil from SHs aiming to build that ship, so basically, despite staying, his actions were telling a different story, so I think that moment between the two would have happened regardless...

Sure Franky on his own, with his gang, cannot progress a lot in New World, but he could still earn the interest of a powerful crew with his carpenter skill to actually sail with a powerful crew

At least that's what I think
  1. zoro dies to helmeppo and even if he survives hes most likely gonna stay wondering the east blue lost. Potentially losing to a strong enough crew by himself
  2. Nami dies or just stays a slave after arlong lies to her about the money and all he people are killed by him. Eventually maybe getting saved or even arrested by the marines when tries to take over the world
  3. Usopp killed by kuro or maybe eventually going out to sea and failing
  4. Sanji killed by don krieg or living a normal life a a unfulfilled chef
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Robin and zoro would be the farthest ones.

Sanji would remain in baratie.
Nami couldnt escape from arlong.
Usopp wouldve died by kuro.
Chopper would still become kureha's pet.
Franky wouldve died by cp9.
Brook would remain in the darkness.
Jimbei maybe would remain in impel down
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Robin would be the farthest ones.

Zoru wouldve died.
Sanji would remain in baratie.
Nami couldnt escape from arlong.
Usopp wouldve died by kuro.
Chopper would still become kureha's pet.
Franky wouldve died by cp9.
Brook would remain in the darkness.
Jimbei maybe would remain in impel down
  1. zoro dies to helmeppo and even if he survives hes most likely gonna stay wondering the east blue lost. Potentially losing to a strong enough crew by himself
  2. Nami dies or just stays a slave after arlong lies to her about the money and all he people are killed by him. Eventually maybe getting saved or even arrested by the marines when tries to take over the world
  3. Usopp killed by kuro or maybe eventually going out to sea and failing
  4. Sanji killed by don krieg or living a north life a a unfulfilled chef
Agreed to all 4
Zoro had already gone far - i mean... dude was aproached by Baroque Works to be Mr 2 (or lower)
Robin had already gone far
Jinbe had already gone far

Sanji would've not left Baratie
Usopp would still be on the Gecko Islands
Chopper would still be in Drum
Nami would have been stuck with Arlong
Brook would be stuck in the Florian Triangle
Franky may have never left Water 7
Jinbe already went really far without SHs :
• he personally knew an Emperor ( WB )
• he was in Shichibukai
• and then became an ally of another Emperor ( Big Mom )

He was already a part of 3 Great Powers and was in New World

He was already among the elites in OP world

Brook on the other hand would've been the most hopeless . he would've continued to be in darkness in Florian Triangle ( even though he was stayed there for 50 years ) with no chance to meet Laboon again
Zoro was not going to achieve his goal. He was about to be executed by the govt. Its amazing how you showed how the others weren't going to achieve their dreams without Luffy's help but ignored Zoro needing Luffy's help too.
You forgot the title of the thread is who would have made it the furthest without joining SH with regards to achieving their dreams.

Zoro at the beginning of the series was already on of the strongest people in east blue on his way to achieving his dream.

Him dying there would have meant he was not strong enough to accomplish his dream. However, he was trying to achieve it.

Mind you, Zoro had accomplished a lot before meeting Luffy to the point that even Crocodile from grand line heard about Zoro and was seeking Zoro out.

Coby, knew about Zoro as well

All other SH with the exception if Zoro were not actively trying to accomplish their dreams at the time when they met Luffy. Some had abandoned their dreams whilst others didnt even try to accomplis their dreams.
You forgot the title of the thread is who would have made it the furthest without joining SH with regards to achieving their dreams.

Zoro at the beginning of the series was already on of the strongest people in east blue on his way to achieving his dream.

Him dying there would have meant he was not strong enough to accomplish his dream. However, he was trying to achieve it.

Mind you, Zoro had accomplished a lot before meeting Luffy to the point that even Crocodile from grand line heard about Zoro and was seeking Zoro out.

Coby, knew about Zoro as well

All other SH with the exception if Zoro were not actively trying to accomplish their dreams at the time when they met Luffy. Some had abandoned their dreams whilst others didnt even try to accomplis their dreams.
Zoro was first introduce tied to a post awaiting for execution. Without Luffys' involvment, he dies. There is no way around that fact.
Zoro was first introduce tied to a post awaiting for execution. Without Luffys' involvment, he dies. There is no way around that fact.
I had not refused.

I didnt say Zoro would accomplish his dream.

You keep confusing what this thread is about. It is not about who would accomplish their dream but who would make it the furthest towards accomplishing their dream without joining sh

Zoro dream is to be the strongest swordsman in the world.
By the time he met Luffy, he was already on of the strongest in east blue. His accomplishment had even been noticed by Crocodile in the grand line.

Zoro was already walking onthe road towards accomplishing his dream.

Other SH like Usopp, Sanji, Chopper etc had not even started that journey. They were still at the starting line.

So even if Zoro died on east blue, he would have been beyond the starting line where as the rest had not even started or some gave up on the race thus disqualifying themselves.


The Road To Harmony
Jinbe is a pretty obvious answer. Most of his Pirate life played out without being a SH. And it’s been a fruitful run.

Robin and Brook as well. Not quite on the same level as Jinbe, Brook still managed to traverse the Grandline with his crew the Rumbar pirates and even lead them eventually, and Robin has evaded capture by the Marines while climbing the ranks of Barique works to become Crocoboy’s right hand woman.

It’s hard to say about the other Strawhats because some of them had extraneous circumstances preventing them from accomplishing their dreams. Such as Nami being blackmailed and manipulated by Arlong, or Sanji and Franky needing that extra push by both their future crew mates and home friends in order to follow their dreams. Zoro needed a navigator, otherwise the best he could manage is become a more notorious bounty hunter in East Blue.
I had not refused.

I didnt say Zoro would accomplish his dream.

You keep confusing what this thread is about. It is not about who would accomplish their dream but who would make it the furthest towards accomplishing their dream without joining sh

Zoro dream is to be the strongest swordsman in the world.
By the time he met Luffy, he was already on of the strongest in east blue. His accomplishment had even been noticed by Crocodile in the grand line.

Zoro was already walking onthe road towards accomplishing his dream.

Other SH like Usopp, Sanji, Chopper etc had not even started that journey. They were still at the starting line.

So even if Zoro died on east blue, he would have been beyond the starting line where as the rest had not even started or some gave up on the race thus disqualifying themselves.
In your original post, you gave reasons for every other SH crew why they would not go far because they did not meet Luffy, but you conveniently ignore that premises with Zoro. That is what I am pointing out.

Garp the Fist

If we ignore the fact that without Luffy they'd all have died in their opening arcs

Zoro would have, he's always had an extraordinary beliefs in himself, without Luffy's influence
Nami wouldn't have, she's never getting out of Arlong's grasp
Ussop's kind of a tricky one. He probably would have went out to sea at some point, I think he could have done reasonably well for himself, but obviously nowhere near as well as he would with the Strawhats
Sanji didn't have the drive to succeed without Luffy and Zoro pushing him on
Chopper would still be broken hearted and thinking himself a monster, so nope
Robin, eh, define success. She'd never achieve her goal and would still be a broken shell of a woman. Aokiji would have went after her at some point, and even if she escaped him it's not really much of a life
Franky would never have stopped beating himself up over what happened to Tom.
Brook's a tough one. He never actually gave up on his determination to return to Laboon. He stuck to his guns and would have returned, or died (again) trying.
Jinbei was a success as a pirate and a man well before Luffy came into his life
luffy lol.

at shanbody he get ray to help him. even 2 years ago ppl use his name to start recruiting crew.

at Amazon lilly he gathers the strongest as his minion of love.
at impel down he gathers top prisoners to assist him.
at marine ford he gathers wbp to assist him.

even in his childhood, sabo and ace whom wants to ditch him turn his as bros. RHP too.

the only one in sh that has ability to attracts foe become friend. not one but bunch of them.

the other will be as good as dead.