I made this OP role cuz Lind got added to the mafia PM and told me I can make a new role to boost myself. I spent hours on it only for it to be a troll by Lind and
You are Makima.
[Passive - Higher Being] - Due to being of a higher order of life Makima's passives cannot be interfered with, destroyed, stolen, copied, or disabled under any circumstances.
[Passive - Primal Devil] - Due to Makima being a primal devil she is immune to all regular kills, role crushes, role blocks, conversions, possessions, redirects, being controlled and other debuffs. Makima cannot be removed or wished out of the game due to representing the primal aspect of life. She will also survive the first superkill attempt on her.
[Passive - Devil] - Due to being a devil Makima can never die permanently. She will always reincarnate. While she is vulnerable to super kills and lynches it will take her a cycle to reincarnate and return to the game. During the reincarnation Makima cannot use her active abilities nor post in the thread but she cannot be targeted by any actions during that period since she's residing in hell.
[Passive - Public Safety Devil Hunter] - Being a member of an agency who keeps the public safe Makima invests as town to alignment checks, as Heinreich Lunge with these abilities to a role cop. In case of her death she will also flip as Heinrich Lunge.
Heinrich Lunge's abilities
[Passive - Hard Drive] - Lunge's brain works much like a computer. As such he will get to know and memorize the first 3 abilities that target him.
[Passive - Bulletproof] - As a member of the German police Lunge is equipped with a bulletproof vest. As such he can survive the first kill attempt on him.
[Active - Skilled Detective] - Much like the skilled detective he is Lunge can choose to investigate two people at night. He will receive one of their abilities at random.
[Active - I am the killer] - Lunge is capable of entering a state of mind in which he is the killer. He can anticipate and predict what a killer will do. During the night he can choose to predict who is going to die. If he gets it right the name of the player who performed the kill will be revealed to Lunge. It cannot be used with [Skilled Detective] as Lunge in this state is a killer.
Continuation of Makima's abilities
[Passive - Embodiment of Fear] - Makima is the embodiment of fear. The more people fear her the stronger she becomes. If she is scum read by 3 or more players in a phase she will gain double actions for the upcoming night.
[Passive - Prime Minister Contract] - Makima is a devil who has a contract with the Prime Minister of Japan. Per the contract any fatal damage dealt to Makima is transferred to the Japanese people in the form of illness, disease or accidental death. As such if she is targeted with a super kill and/or lynch while controlling players, the superkill and/or lynch will actually target one of the controlled players in Makima's place.
[Passive - Hidden Evil] - Makima is the big bad of the part 1 of Chainsaw Man. However, no one actually knows she is. As such she functions as the hidden villain of the manga. Due to that none of her actions will appear in the Write ups.
[Active - Glare] - Makima glares viciously at her opponent causing them to be frozen in fear. As such she may role block the player.
[Active - Crush] - Makima uses an invisible force in order to crush her opponent. As such she may choose to role crush a player.
[Active - Transmission] - Makima has shown to transmit her voice into others. As such she may use this to force the host to post a writeup of her choice. [2-shots]
[Active - Transportation] - Makima has been shown to control a large number of rats which allows her to travel around using them. As such she may switch herself with a player of her choice or switch two players of her choice. [3 shots]
[Active - Borrowed Senses] - Makima borrows the hearing of rats, birds, and other lower life forms to hear conversations remotely, seemingly anywhere on the planet and possibly extending into Hell itself. As such she can use this ability to get a leak of random messages from other factions' chats. [2-shots]
[Active - Bang!] - Makima uses her hands and points her index finger at her target allowing her to shoot them. As such she can use this ability to superkill a player of her choice once per cycle.
[Active - Enhanced Smell] - According to Denji, Makima differentiates others through smell primarily. In their first encounter, she was able to detect through scent that Pochita still existed within Denji. As such she may investigate a player of her choice and be informed of their full role.
[Active - Control Devil] - This is Makima's actual power. She is the control devil. As such she can target two players per cycle in order to gain control of them. This is meant as her ultimate ability and a super type ability. It cannot be stopped. It will bypass all the protections the targets have. While Makima is controlling the players she will be able to use their abilities as well as control their votes.
[Active - Hell Devil] - Makima sacrifices a player in her control, one of her teammates and 2 of her active abilities in order to summon the Hell Devil. The Hell Devil will then take a player of Makima's choice to Hell. There is no way back from Hell. The player will be stuck there and unable to return to the game. This will bypass any protection a player might have. [1-shot]