Jujutsu Kaisen 232 SPOILERS


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Pretty confident Gojo will find way to overcome Mahoraga

Only to be taken out by Sukuna once he will show what he is capable of.... Get ready Greatness :steef:
I know Gojo is HIM, but still...

Why creating Sukuna in the first place if by the end it's all about limitless vs 10s all over again?

Just have Megumi turning into a bad guy instead...

Let's be honnest, after the first MS, Sukuna just has been Gojo's defenseless punching bag.

To me he went from one of the best shonen antag to the worst in only a couple of chapters.
I know Gojo is HIM, but still...

Why creating Sukuna in the first place if by the end it's all about limitless vs 10s all over again?

Just have Megumi turning into a bad guy instead...
I can't shake the feeling that Gege always wanted evil Megumi vs Gojo, but never knew how to make Megumi strong enough to pose a challenge

Sukuna taking over his body completely feels like a way to converge both the Sukuna and Megumi vs Gojo plotlines without actually having Megumi become strong
I can't shake the feeling that Gege always wanted evil Megumi vs Gojo, but never knew how to make Megumi strong enough to pose a challenge

Sukuna taking over his body completely feels like a way to converge both the Sukuna and Megumi vs Gojo plotlines without actually having Megumi become strong
i disagree nothing pointed at gege wanting megumi turn evil and fight gojo

the limitless and six eyes user vs 10s user was just to show megumi’s potential
Personally I like the two characters even if I prefer Gojo and I find that Gege handles the Sukuna case well. You can't give him a technique out of nowhere that can counter infinity, I would find that so ridiculous and much too easy. Gege had to remain consistent with what he created, he did it well with the territory duels where Sukuna, whatever one could say, had the advantage (except at the end) it was one of the means to counter goatjo's infinity now that both characters no longer have the ability to use this they are forced to just use their occult technique. And the only way Sukuna has left to counter infinity is Maho. I'd rather see a struggling Sukuna take hits in order to adapt to gojo's infinity than to learn that Sukuna actually had a technique that could counter Gojo's infinity, but that would be so lame and inconsistent
i disagree nothing pointed at gege wanting megumi turn evil and fight gojo

the limitless and six eyes user vs 10s user was just to show megumi’s potential
Fair enough

From the moment Sukuna got interested in Megumi, the writing was on the wall that he would find himself oposing tge main cast in some shape or form

Before the body takeover, theories were Megumi would become Sukuna's follower a la Uraume. Gege chose the body takeover, nothing wrong with that.

But the Gojo and Megumi talk was just one part of the overall foreshadowing.

In a color spread :

an upside down Megumi is facing off against Gojo, while Yuji is facing off against Sukuna thus pointing towards rwo major fights we were bound to see.

Currently, we're seeing a combo of Sukuna and Megumi vs Gojo. And since Sukuna is now spamming Mahoraga we can take it as a powered up Megumi vs Gojo.

The part where Yuji faces off against him is yet to happen though, and will probably occur once Sukuna and Megumi are separated
I can't shake the feeling that Gege always wanted evil Megumi vs Gojo, but never knew how to make Megumi strong enough to pose a challenge

Sukuna taking over his body completely feels like a way to converge both the Sukuna and Megumi vs Gojo plotlines without actually having Megumi become strong
The only viable way would've been the 10 shadows slowly corrupting the user, Megumin facing a few friendly deaths that would push him deeper into the shadows and something to pull the trigger (ie his sis' death or sum). He would've required a long time skip to boost his level tho.

Cliche? Sure. But it works ig
The only viable way would've been the 10 shadows slowly corrupting the user, Megumin facing a few friendly deaths that would push him deeper into the shadows and something to pull the trigger (ie his sis' death or sum). He would've required a long time skip to boost his level tho.

Cliche? Sure. But it works ig
Megumi suffered from not having a personal villain to deal with like Yuji did with Mahito.

Somebody for Megumi to fight against, lose a bit and then come back to win, grow through the fight and explore his power was sorely needed.

He was a punching bag instead. And his first resort in almost all his fights pre Chimera shadow Garden was to try and summon Mahoraga i.e. suicide


Lazy is the way
But Gojo is a genius he would either way accomplish the ball size DE and own Sukuna after taking away his DE Sukuna wouldn't even touch Gojo anymore
Gojo is indeed a genius

He could have even maybe managed to make the small DE without prison realm

But some things :

- first it’s our head canon that he can do it without prison realm exp
- Kusakabe and co directly stated that without prison realm exp making this is almost impossible
- maybe Gojo would have made it but I don’t buy that he could have made it after only one try at all
- even one more clash and one more Healing CE with RCT would have made him losing because his brain would have been too taxed
- Kusakabe and co directly stated that without prison realm exp making this is almost impossible
Tbf Kusakabe and co are going off of their understanding of the situation and Jujutsu in general.
Out of those doing commentary, Hakari and Yuta have confirmed Domains yet Kusakabe is the one doing punditry.

Fact is, all of them put together don't have half the understanding of jujutsu and cursed energy of either Sukuna or Gojo
Megumi suffered from not having a personal villain to deal with like Yuji did with Mahito.

Somebody for Megumi to fight against, lose a bit and then come back to win, grow through the fight and explore his power was sorely needed.

He was a punching bag instead. And his first resort in almost all his fights pre Chimera shadow Garden was to try and summon Mahoraga i.e. suicide
Megumi summoning Maho at the slightest inconvenience is going to be one of the best JJK memes lol
Gojo is indeed a genius

He could have even maybe managed to make the small DE without prison realm

But some things :

- first it’s our head canon that he can do it without prison realm exp
- Kusakabe and co directly stated that without prison realm exp making this is almost impossible
- maybe Gojo would have made it but I don’t buy that he could have made it after only one try at all
- even one more clash and one more Healing CE with RCT would have made him losing because his brain would have been too taxed
He is doing all things perfectly so him not trying the ball size the first time and doing it on 3rd time points out he thought of it in the midst of the battle

Also him controlling infinity the atoms is a factor that he could do it

So in the situation regardless prison realm or not Gojo would do it and this it for Sukuna in everything else Gojo is superior

Gojo dominate him 3 times inside the domain in a one o one battle
CT wise Gojo takes it

Heian Sukuna only can use DA to counter it
I can't say I'm not happy that Gojo is increasingly confirming chapter by chapter that he's at least stronger than OG Sukuna but Sukuna himself as well as this battle... just doesn't live up to expectations? Even though the chapters where Gojo shined was awesome I think Gege is overplayed with cliffhangers at the end of the chapter where Gojo is supposedly in danger so the tension and threat level drops and only the thought that this fight has to end someday gives some excitement while waiting for spoilers. Also, as some people have already written, there were enough filler chapters in this fight where Gojo was basically just beating up Sukuna and it was boring and only made Sukuna's character worse in every sense.