People are missing my point. Marco had WBPs, so what? BB has BBPs. Has BB having BBPs influenced his bounty?

My question is simple. Do you think, at any point during Marco's life, did Marco become as threatening to Marine/WG as BB is now?

Because, Marco and BB having similar bounty means exactly that.
Sure why not? Blackbeard has only been "threatening" for 2 years and amassed that bounty. He hid for decades before that. Marco was notable for years as Newgate's 2nd in command. We have no idea the type of shit Marco did against the Marines/WG before the story started.
-Marco is said to have decided to come to Wanokuni after hearing that Wibble is currently fighting the Navy.

-There are quite a few people on page 2, but it appears that many colleagues have been sacrificed over the past two years because of Weebble.

-Ijo: After 20 years... Where are those guys?

-King's Bounty is said to be 1.75 billion berry.

-It is said that Ulti and Page One appear in this episode.


-White bearded remnants arriving in Wanokuni, which have been revealed to date .

: Izo, Joze, Vista, Flamenco, Blenheim, Curiel, Fossa, Andre,

White Bay, Epoida, Elmi, Thomas, Karma, Dikalban Brothers, Squad, McGuy, Ramba, etc.

-Closed Daumhwa

- source baidu
Well, be my guest....
"Peak fiction" can't be a thing

What the measure for it?

How much people believe in the fiction? Then one piece is nothing compared to the Bible or the Quaran. People kill each other over those stories

How much thought is put into the fiction by a single person? Then how can you guess that? You aren't in Oda or any other author's mind to measure how much he thought about shit?

How big the fictional world is? What's the definition of "big" here? Because size and depth are completely different things. And even then you no one has made maps of all the common stories to compare have they?

"Peak fiction" is a meaningless phrase

MD Zolo

Yes it did... of course it did. Are you implying that when Morgans starts counting all of Luffy's men as contributors to luffy becoming an Emperor, this only matters to Luffy? Like other Emperors don't have their crews counted as part of the reason they become emperors? Yet FUCKIN BRANNEW MENTIONS THEIR CREWS WHEN GIVING THE YONKOU BOUNTIES.

So according to you blackbeard is like mihawk? His bounty is purely based on his own feats and individual threat level?

Whitbeard had the BIGGEST Yonkou crew even up to now. Like kaido’s men are FIVE TIMES FEWER than Whitebeard's. And then all these whitebeard men fell under Marco.

Tf did you expect that that doesn't affect his threat level when he's now in charge of the biggest Yonkou crew?
Sure why not? Blackbeard has only been "threatening" for 2 years and amassed that bounty. He hid for decades before that. Marco was notable for years as Newgate's 2nd in command. We have no idea the type of shit Marco did against the Marines/WG before the story started.
Both you still fail to grasp my point. Though, for @ImmaIvanoM, he never even tries and that is why it is futile to talk to him anyway.

What I am trying to say is this:

Firstly, I believe that Bounty reveals the threat perception by Marine/WG. So, bounty at any one time reflects the price Marine/WG is willing to pay to get rid of a person. Blackbeard having 2.25 billion means that Marines/WG is only willing to pay this much at this moment to get rid of him. If Marco has 2 billion, then it means that Marines/WG is willing to pay 2 billion at this moment to get rid of Marco.

Now, what does Blackbeard have at this moment in time. He has all of Whitebeard's territory, Whitebeard's DF and the most powerful Logia DF, and has BBP (including 10 Titanic commander) which is also powerful.

What does Marco have? Remnant of WBPs. Probably not even the full WBP.

So, how can Marines/WG consider Marco as similar level of threat as Blackbeard?

I know your answer. Your answer is that Marco was once worth the bounty he got and he is not worth it anymore. Then my question is this: Why didn't Marines/WG reduce his bounty?

And don't tell me that there is no method of lowering bounty. When Luffy got 1.5 billion bounty, he thought that his bounty was lowered. So, lowering of bounty is definitely possible.
is that spoiler legit?:feelscryingman:
or should we wait for confirmation?
it look very legit and many korean fan in the forum believe + the korean person cites taiwanese baidu as source
Post automatically merged:

From Chinese/Korean sources looks like King's bounty is 1.75 billion, and Vista, Jozu, Flamenco, Blenheim, Curiel, Fossa, Andre, White Bay, Epoida, Elmi, Thomas, Karma, Dikalban Brothers, Squad, McGuy, Ramba, etc arrive too

Guess we wait for redon/yonkouprod to verify

it is 1.572 million, not 1.75
-Marco is said to have decided to come to Wanokuni after hearing that Wibble is currently fighting the Navy.

-There are quite a few people on page 2, but it appears that many colleagues have been sacrificed over the past two years because of Weebble.

-Ijo: After 20 years... Where are those guys?

-King's Bounty is said to be 1.75 billion berry.

-It is said that Ulti and Page One appear in this episode.


-White bearded remnants arriving in Wanokuni, which have been revealed to date .

: Izo, Joze, Vista, Flamenco, Blenheim, Curiel, Fossa, Andre,

White Bay, Epoida, Elmi, Thomas, Karma, Dikalban Brothers, Squad, McGuy, Ramba, etc.

-Closed Daumhwa

- source baidu
If this is legit and King's bounty is 1.75 billion, then Zoro will have even bigger bounty when beat him:funky:
Oh, it's 1.572... still impressive