Character Discussion The Real reason why they don't want Zoro vs kizaru


Kitetsu Wanker
Oda always does his best to keep Zoro and Luffy around the same level even after post-time skip. You just need to look at how even most of their power up parallel each other.

Base <====> 1 sword style

Gear 2 <====> 2 sword style

Gear 3 <====> 3 sword style

Gear 4 <====> King of hell style

  • Gear 4 boundman <====> King of hell : three sword style
  • Gear 4 snakeman <====> king of hell- three dragon swords
Gear 5 <====> Asura:dead man’s game

Gear 5 Barjung Gun <====> KoH Asura

FS <====> sleep diff CoO.

Nika fire manipulation <====>flame rant

Turn everything into rubber <====> BOAT (cut everything)

Coc coating <====> coc infusion

Internal destrution <====> CoA barrier

Overflowing CoA smoke <====> Overflowing CoA fire

Zoro's road to the top tier level is one of the cleanest so far. His wins and feats are unquestionable.
Leaving a scar on the WSC after a 1 vs 1 clash while on death door >> fighting a top tier and accomplishing nothing or with help. The only thing that can top that is to humiliate a top tier or beat them without help.

-Pushed back Fujitora with a nameless slash back in Dressrosa.
-Fought Kaido and Big Mom and countered their main arsenal, tornadoes, fire, homies, speed, and durability.
-stopped and tanked half of Hakkai
-Reopened Oden's scar and left his own on Kaido.
-Mid diffed a top commander like King who is the godfather of the seraphim that current emperor Luffy himself cant damage and who proved himself by beating another top commander in Marco. Unless Ben Beckman is a high top tier then King was the strongest top commander of the OG era. All while simultaneously taming Enma and surpassing Oden's swordsmanship with King of hell styles.
-Experienced double the damage from both Hakkai and damage accumulated from his king fight.
-As if it wasn't enough Faced death itself right after everything he went through
Since the start of post-TS until the rooftop battle, Luffy had twice as many power-ups as Zoro did and he still couldnt even come close to Zoro's performance. Luffy is disgracefully weak compared to Zoro and I will never consider them equal. :milaugh:
Since the start of post-TS until the rooftop battle, Luffy had twice as many power-ups as Zoro did and he still couldnt even come close to Zoro's performance. Luffy is disgracefully weak compared to Zoro and I will never consider them equal. :milaugh:
I guess it work we need someone who believe in zoro superiority to ballence with the one who think the opposite. Me on the otherhand believe they are around the same level, the difference is so minimal that just fightning each other could result in mutual dead.
The real reason people do not want Zoro to fight Kizaru is that if Zoro wins, no copium in the world will keep Zoro out of the Top 10 list of any self-respecting One Piece fan after he defeats Kizaru.

Plus, it would pretty much force Admiral-stans to either disown Kizaru as a "true" Admiral (lol since they have hyped up the OG Admirals for ages at this point) or hype up Zoro instead. Given how much some Admiral people hate Zoro, I do not know which will sting worse for them.

The real reason people do not want Zoro to fight Kizaru is that if Zoro wins, no copium in the world will keep Zoro out of the Top 10 list of any self-respecting One Piece fan after he defeats Kizaru.

Plus, it would pretty much force Admiral-stans to either disown Kizaru as a "true" Admiral (lol since they have hyped up the OG Admirals for ages at this point) or hype up Zoro instead. Given how much some Admiral people hate Zoro, I do not know which will sting worse for them.

Post egghead gonna be crazy after these match up lucci vs sanji, kizaru vs zoro and luffy vs saturne.Most tier list will be broken.