Idk why but lots of people group up dragon and mihawk as if they’re in similar situations. The thing is tho they really aren’t like at all. People act as if both are featless when that’s only really true for one of them.

Dragon has a single “feat” in the series and it’s just stopping smoker 1,000 chapters ago. As for how he fight we don’t really know at all tho he does seem to be able to control the weather
We know he should be strong tho as leader of the revolutionaries and being related to luffy and Garp. He should be strong but that’s pretty much all we know for the most part he’s just a mystery

Unlike dragon we’ve seen mihawk fight like a lot more
Feat wise he has feats against baratie zoro, marineford luffy, crocodile, daz, vista, and jozu. He even has a seraphim clone that has his fighting style with the same sword techniques.
Like yeah he might’ve not gone all out but neither have most characters yet. Nobody puts the admirals and dragon in the same situation even tho none of them have been able to go all out. The admirals and mihawk have showed off way more than dragon ever has. Difference is people don’t like what mihawk has shown off so far and act like none of it counts or happened. He’s the only character in marineford that people act like his portrayal in the arc doesn’t count so that must mean no portrayal or feats in marineford did

Him being the wss and having greater sword skill than shanks is still impressive in its own right but he and dragon’s situations are nowhere near comparable