We've already see Joy Boy's face, too, IMO. Look at the very top panel, above Momo's execution crucifix, wher Kaido and the All Stars are standing. See that big smiling Oni face?

Kaido thinking he would be Joy Boy makes way more sense if Joy Boy was an Oni/Ogre to begin with. This is why Yamato is so important to the narrative; she's charged with changing the fate of the Oni of the Dawn (D) clan who were called Demons (D).

Kaido's rant about Yamato being unable to live with humans as an Oni is because that's what happened to the Oni race; they were wiped out by humanity/the Celestial Dragons, hence why Kaido hates both of them. I'd imagine Oni and the Kozuki clan had a personal relationship/grudge, which is why Yamato and Momo's friendship is also very important to the narrative. We've already seen how racist the people of Wano were to Minks and Fishmen when Neku, Inu, and Kawamatsu washed up and were nearly murdered.

Where did Moria get Oars' corpse from? Wano. Where did Ace learn how to make the Straw Hats he gave to Oars Jr? From Tama in Wano. Oda has been connecting the Oni Race and Ancient Oni to Wano for quite some time now.

So, what's Joy Boy's connection to Wano as an Ancient Oni?

Ever noticed how fucking weird Wano looks? How did this country get like this?

The country was originally at sea-level in the past, in the 1st image shown. Then "walls were erected all around, enclosing the island" and it filled with rain in the 2nd. But, look at the 2nd and 3rd image in the set. Where did the land mass around the mountain come from, that the settlers established their homes on in the 3rd image?

We know that Wano's islands all have different climates, and look as if they were pulled from other places in the world and put together. What if they were?

But, how would a bunch of different islands end up... that high up? Oars was a Continent Puller, after all. HOWEVER, we know from comparing Oars to Oars Jr in size that Ancient Oni have been shrinking in size.

Which means, the Ancient Oni from way far back WERE GIGANTIC compared to Oars. Joy Boy didn't pull Wano... he carried the remnants of the Ancient Kingdom on his back, the same way Oden carried the Scabbards, as he died due to outside forces/possible volcanic eruption.

We know that the previous Joy Boy had Luffy's Fruit. Luffy's Fruit allows him to do what? Pull up and manipulate the earth, as we see when he redirects Kaido's Boro Breath by pulling up wall of earth. So, that's where Wano's borders' came from; Joy Boy pulling up the earth to protect the borders.

What's the only other case of natural rock walls being formed without any logical explanation? The fucking Red Line, explaining how something that gigantic was formed; Joy Boy pulled up the Red Line to keep the World Governmeny from flooding/taking over the entire world, through their "Great Cleansing".

If Joy Boy was an Ancient Oni, and had a Devil Fruit, he would need a huge ship to cross the ocean, due to being unable to swim. What ship is buried underneath Wano?


Joy Boy, the Ancient Oni, died carrying Wano on his back and erecting its borders. His skeleton still rests underneath Wano, buried in volcanic rock, holding up the country to this day, his trusty ship Pluton still underneath his feet.

Pluton's activation should be very interesting if it ever actually happens after all these fucking breaks.

This may be JoyBoy too
1091: A Yonko crew
- Kizaru defeated Sentomaru, he raises his finger and wants to finish him off
- Kizaru is suddenly attacked by Sanji, they clash for a bit, very cool panels
- Suddenly Kizaru is grabbed by multiple hands wearing the light gloves, it's Robin
- he then is attacked by Jimbe
- Kizaru regains his footing and tells them they are getting cocky
- Zoro walks up to him saying the marines got cocky sending only 1 Admiral to handle an entire Yonko crew
- Zoro then slashes Kizaru with Ashura
Editor's note: A true Yonko crew