Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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Proof of him not using FS? Depends on how fast Zoro is compared to Lucci. Lucci can't =/= Zoro can't. I always maintain that Luffy is faster than Zoro, and FS is the true deal-breaker. Luffy wouldn't be ahead of Zoro before awakening if it weren't for FS.
He didn't use any advanced haki against Lucci, we see neither ACoC nor ACoA, so the evidence is on you to prove he used FS.

You literally just said you're curious how Zoro will deal with Lucci's speed, implying Lucci's faster than Zoro, Lucci who was being blitzed and sleep dodged by Luffy....


The only one who can beat me is me
I always wished for a Zoro vs Lucci fight because both are the embodiment of "Bloodlusted Monsters" when they fight. There will be no gags or childish scenes but simply serious fighting Panels
This guy gets it.

Plus Lucci is a big name. Look at Zoro's resume and tell me Awakened Lucci, CP0 prodigy doesn't look good. He's arguably a bigger name than King the Wildfire, arguably.


The fact that Oda is having Lucci do it instead of VA tells you Oda actually respects Lucci. As this is meant to produce some hype. He knows those VAs are nowhere near good enough to even sell the idea.

Hope it's true. The alternate would be Zoro vs VAs and seraphim or someshit.
Zoro beats all 9 VAs by himself to be completly honest.
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