Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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Honestly this same level of backlash and clownery would've still happened even if Zoro ended up facing a VA so I was kinda ready for it. :milaugh:
What I was not ready is this completely random matchup between Zoro and Lucci (although it's kinda makes sense, Lucci is the 2nd strongest from the WG side on the island right now) :goquad:
On the bright side, this opens up the possibility of Zoro vs Kizaru in the final war now that Oda gives a precedence of Zoro having Luffy's past opponents
Although I doubt Zoro bros would be that excited anymore if the match up indeed happens
So our best course of action is to.....
WANK WUJITORA :fujilaugh:
Just stating manga facts. You can get mad all you want won't change the manga
Your definition of mad and mine are VERY different.

And nope, he straight up lost. He lost conciousness both times in Egghead. You guys are the same people that laughed when Luffy lost to Kaido by being held back by Guernica, but then now call foul randomly because Stussy defeated him with her powers and skill.

Bet you werent even defending Lucci before these spoilers lmao
Honestly this same level of backlash and clownery would've still happened even if Zoro ended up facing a VA so I was kinda ready for it. :milaugh:
What I was not ready is this completely random matchup between Zoro and Lucci (although it's kinda makes sense, Lucci is the 2nd strongest from the WG side on the island right now) :goquad:
On the bright side, this opens up the possibility of Zoro vs Kizaru in the final war now that Oda gives a precedence of Zoro having Luffy's past opponents
Although I doubt Zoro bros would be that excited anymore if the match up indeed happens
So our best course of action is to.....
WANK WUJITORA :fujilaugh:
Lucci vs Seraphim who do you have right now?
Not every zoro fan is @nik87. I’m under no delusions. But i;m tired of mfs trying to downplay zoro just cause they hate some of his fans.
An overwhelming majority of "zoro fans" on this website believed in ZKK.

But considering the fact that you feel the need to "defend" Zoro instead of just accepting that he isnt MC and doesnt get MC opponents just proves to me that you are enough like Nik to be deluded lmao
How does it feel to be a huge clown.

You kept trying to say that Zoro vs Kizaru was going to happen like it's a fact and now I'm hearing that you are suddenly trying to hype up Lucci.

MonsterZoro was right about you.:doffytroll:

As for why I don't tag you, because it wasn't worth tagging a clown like you.:kuzanshut:
It would have been much better for plot progression if Zoro fought Kizaru and Luffy vs Saturn. But no we had to drag it out with boring shitty fodder.

Your problem is you don't realize you are worshiping an old fart and that's not cool at all. He's going to lose sooner or later no matter what.

Zoro as Luffy's crewmate at least will live to fight other battles, even in the final chapters, while your Ladmiral fetish will be burried and forgotten. What's more sad?
I really don't care if Sanji fights so long as he plays hero like usual. I find it much more satisfying if Zoro starts losing and Sanji comes in to help them escape again to throw in Zorotards faces than a battle of powerscaling over matches.
So Zoro is really gonna fight fodders until he faces an admiral and Mihawk huh:josad:

It's bullshit, but Oda pretty much created a gigantic chasm between high tiers and top tiers and decided to hardly put any characters in the gap.

Even the old legends can still fodderize high-high tiers.

Oda hasn't created any real stepping stones for Zoro, it's straight up gonna be YC1-level guys right to top tiers.
Oda not retconning Zoro's backstory doesn't mean he doesn't like Zoro lol, and WCI was 50% Sanji and 50% Luffy/SHs
For me it does .
If I create a character I like I will work a lot on him .
I will build him an epic back story make him experiences character grow .
I would not off screen main plots about him like visiting ryuma grave.
I think the problem Oda have with zoro is that he is jus tlike a ryuma 2.0 .
He liked ryuma when he wrote mosnters but he is bored of him now .
Well I guess since zoro is realy the least developed straw hats in my opinion .
The way oda did him vs kaido was like legit disrespectfull.
Any one that know one piece know Oda love his parallels.
So when ZOro got enma we knew he was going to put a scar on Kaido .
But the way oda did it ..
BAsically 0 reaction from kaido and he legit said to zoro .
Good job man !You can be proud of yourself thats the best you can hope for .
I was in disbilief when I readed that .
Did kaido put ZOro in his top tier list of guy that can fight him after that like Oden ? No absolutely not .
It was like Oda: Ok zoro you did your job now get the hell out of the roof top Kaido is luffy match up not yours !
Your definition of mad and mine are VERY different.

And nope, he straight up lost. He lost conciousness both times in Egghead. You guys are the same people that laughed when Luffy lost to Kaido by being held back by Guernica, but then now call foul randomly because Stussy defeated him with her powers and skill.

Bet you werent even defending Lucci before these spoilers lmao
I like how you like to make up your own story. He never lost consciousness in egghead. You can't show me a panel of Lucci on the floor unconscious after Luffy hit.
Literally its the same has this

Learn how to reread and unless you posting the panel of him unconscious on the floor i accept you concession.

I never denied Stussy KO him clown. I said Stussy caught them by surprise and shock. Which she admits she not stupid enough to fight him fairly. Learn how to read dumbass Luffy at the start of this arc got bodied by a robot fodder Shark. People get snuck and surprise in One piece all the time. Clown once again learn how to read

Like i said if your mad about Manga facts talk to Oda
We know that whatever happens at Egghead is going to be a huge incident that is going to shock the world.

I really don't see it simply being Luffy hitting Saturn and I don't see Vegapunk dying either.

It has to either be Kizaru being defeated

Saturn being defeated

Or they both get defeated.

Other than those, I'm not too sure what else would really shock the world.
Or something major happens like the Mother Flame factory exploding erasing with it Egghead Island from the map with possible speculations in newspapers that the Stawhats were eliminated along with it or an Admiral and a Gorosei getting killed/missing in the aftermath.
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