Hashirama is wanked by the author
Minato and Itachi are wanked by the fans
Big difference
The Hashirama wank is another complaint I have but that's a whole other conversation
Now this part.....this part is the straight up delusional part.
How anyone read Naruto and didn't see the constant wanking Kishi gave to Itachi would have to be beyond blind.
Dude literally is the only character with no L's in the manga other than the one he had to plan himself.
Dudes literally the authors pet himself, people mistake Naruto as the Jesus character when that was Itachi himself.
Even the final fight was full of Itachi wanking by Naruto and Sasuke, hell his ideology is straight up what led to Sasuke doing this and causing the fight.
Like really, there's no possible way to miss how wanked Itachi was by Kishi, even by Hashiramas fuçking mouth.