Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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Maybe, fwiw tho I’ve done full chapter translation on the Reddit forums a few times and who ever does it has used my translation on the raw scans before. I am a fluent speaker that only spoke Japanese until I was 7-8 lol
I mean one or two translations per day is okay. But when 500 peoples gonna ask you to translate 500 things, gl^^

Lived in japan ? Where ?
And hey I’m not against banter or trolling, it’s all part of the game

It just sucks sometimes bc I come here to read Theories and what not and I have to navigate through 300 pages of “zorotard” comments lol.

trolling is fine, what I’m saying is the actual level of their trolling game is very weak for many here
That's why I call this place Garbage dump of one piece fanbase
We are still better than twitter and reddit.
So many overreactions about Zoro vs Lucci clash he is getting destroyed no doubt about that anyone who thinks he even pushes zoro more than low diff is deluded.
Every time goofy messes up lets other believe he is a small fry Zoro is usually there to set them straight you Latakuri wankers should be more worried for Lucci. He won't be anywhere as challenging for Zoro as King :milaugh:

Do you see the pattern here we all know how this ends :arnoling:
Then Emunopla spoilers were fake, right?
You didn't get it GUI.

Emunopla posted spoilers and WeeklyLeaks (=AHMAD) said that these spoilers were fake.

Except AHMAD is a fraud who posts shit and a Zoro fan.

He discredited EMUNOPLA's spoilers because he is a Zoro fan but he is full of shit and he doesn't know anything about the chapter.

Look at this for instance.

He retweeted WeeklyLeaks' Tweet saying "Revenge" for Zoro's revenge against Kizaru..

When in fact, Zoro doesn't face Kizaru in the chapter.

Don't fall for his bullshit.

The best we can take out of this situation is that Emunopla's spoilers are probably true.

I mean one or two translations per day is okay. But when 500 peoples gonna ask you to translate 500 things, gl^^

Lived in japan ? Where ?
im most definitely NOT suggesting I’m willing to translate that much lol, just some things here and there so if I get flooded with translation questions I’ll be lazy and choosy lol, just being honest. But if I notice translations that are clearly wrong I’ll def quote those.

I never lived in Japan, I’m a half that grew up here in Chicago but I grew up with my mom who’s the Japanese side.

but I have been to her hometown of Morioka many times when I was younger
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