Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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He did wear it when he beat Ohm & Braham.
Enel was overkill, Zoro just had no way to beat him.

Nope and thats exactly what im talking about. He was sparring with Apoo & Drake in cqc 1 moment and next moment he cuts Apoo down to get the medicine. He wasnt serious there entirely and when he got serious the problem was over.
Enel being overkill doesnt imply zoro wasnt serious about trying to stop him so you flat out just avoided the answer.
the moment when he saw kiku's arm he got serious and cut down apoo. its ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

he doesnt have to put on a bandana to communicate that
what are his emotions, is he casual or is he not. Thats all it is. Like every other character in the series.
oh I personally see it differently
I think the fact he has to go to his strongest form moves this closer to mid.
I kinda get that logic, but that's due to plot.
For a hypothetical scenario with no plot, lets say luffy is bloodlusted. In this case where luffy has no morals so he can go G5 right from start, in which case zoro has really no chance to fight against G5
Where in spoilers did you see Luffy "folding" Kizaru in base form?...the only info we have was Luffy engaged Kizaru in base form...it could be just one panel of Luffy intercepting Kizaru....spoilers are true but lot of misintrepretation...wait until full summary for more context...
Bro i didn't address the luffy vs kiz spoilers.
Im talking only about zoro vs lucci. I saw it on twitter before and now on worstgen. So if by now these spoilers are not confirmed then why is the post not taken down
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