ONE PIECE Live Action - Episodes Discussion Thread

Pot Goblin

Saw the first 4 episodes of the live action, I enjoyed it and thought it was very charming overall.

Some scratches here and there but I think it's a good experience.

Though syrup villiage remains the early hurdle as it is in the manga and anime lmao, definitely like the first 2 episodes more than the second 2. I'm excited for Baratie at least.


Saw the first 4 episodes of the live action, I enjoyed it and thought it was very charming overall.

Some scratches here and there but I think it's a good experience.

Though syrup villiage remains the early hurdle as it is in the manga and anime lmao, definitely like the first 2 episodes more than the second 2. I'm excited for Baratie at least.
You're gonna like Mihawk
Done with episode one- Solid 4/5

Things that stood out:

  1. Zoro’s actor and the production did him total justice. Zoro giving no.7 a finger was just what I expected out of him.
  2. Luffy and Nami early relationships is shown nicely.
  3. Coby and Helmepoo is totally in character.
  4. Whole thing is a nice adaptation of the goofy pirate manga.
  5. Nami shown as a capable fighter.
My only problems:
  1. Roger should’ve called Garp by his name and not the rank. Would have given new viewers something to think about their relationship
  2. Makino cast is not acceptable. She was a cheerful character and not some bored out of her daily life.
  3. Skipping what Luffy did to help Coby join the ranks of marine is a crime. What an emotional scene it would have been with all the navy base saluting SHs and then saying no food for them as they broke the law.
Things that caught me off guard:
  1. Alvida smashing in the head
  2. Zoro cutting 7 in half
  3. Helmeppo scene
When Zoro said he had something worse for Helmeppo…:suresure:
Also young Mihawk>your fav (except Bogard)
In a way I kinda understand why they didn't make Hachi even tho the damn fight is canon and Zoro defeated him even with the injury, Zoro's just too fucking good, he's literally Bruce Lee with swords and this would definitely take away from Luffy vs Arlong.
They have a big problem on their hands, Luffy is the MC but Zoro is literally the best fighter in the show, so what are they going to do moving forward, are they going to cut Zoro most likely using CoA/FS against Mr1, nothing happened and more? :quest:
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Roger should’ve called Garp by his name and not the rank. Would have given new viewers something to think about their relationship
I feel like this made on point, like as Roger's friend Garp probably wouldn't do it, while as Vice-admiral he did.
Skipping what Luffy did to help Coby join the ranks of marine is a crime. What an emotional scene it would have been with all the navy base saluting SHs and then saying no food for them as they broke the law.
I feel that was made for the case of fact that there wasn't really build up of real corruption of marines. Plus to made things more complicated


In a way I kinda understand why they didn't make Hachi even tho the damn fight is canon and Zoro defeated him even with the injury, Zoro's just to fucking good, he's literally Bruce Lee with swords and this would definitely take away from Luffy vs Arlong.
They have a big problem in their hands, Luffy is the MC but Zoro is literally the best fighter in the show, so what are they going to do moving forward, are they going to cut Zoro most likely using CoA/FS against Mr1, nothing happened and more? :quest:
Zoro is the MVP everywhere apparently.
One episode in, series is mediocre but entertaining enough to keep watching. Cast is pretty weak though.

Just don't think OP works in a live action unless your willing to overhaul the characters, designs, and story. They settled for a middle ground here, but don't think it was worth the trouble.