Future Events Is Vivi coming back in Egghead or Elbaf?

Her story is deeply connected to the void century and the D clan. I think it's pretty clear she'll be there.
Yes her story is connected to what happened to Lily in the distant past. However, I don’t believe that she will need to go to raftel for that. And with her current predicament, I don’t see her getting free enough to join the straw hats by Elbaf since she’s not a navigator nor does she have her own vivre card to luffy.
Ryokugyu Tried to Capture Momo
Aokiji Tried to Capture Koby
Kizaru is Trying to Capture Vegapunk

Ryokugyu was Stopped by Shanks
Aokiji was Stopped by Garp
Kizaru is gonna be Stopped by Luffy

Momo Unlocked his Signature Attack "Blast Breath"
Koby Unlocked his Signature Attack "Honesty Impact"
Vegapunk gonna Unlock his Signature Attack "???"
Akainu's Target......

To complete this Pattern, Fujitora is going after Vivi most probably
She will Unlock her Fighting Style, and She is gonna be Saved by some Top Tier
Either Dragon, Mihawk or a New Character

PS: as for Akainu, imo We are gonna witness Rayleigh vs Akainu very soon
Yes her story is connected to what happened to Lily in the distant past. However, I don’t believe that she will need to go to raftel for that. And with her current predicament, I don’t see her getting free enough to join the straw hats by Elbaf since she’s not a navigator nor does she have her own vivre card to luffy.
She knows where he is currently. Many have pointed out how she can be the diplomat of the crew. She has nowhere to go, and the best way to return to Alabasta and not be murdered is to join the strawhats and go to war with the WG.
She knows where he is currently. Many have pointed out how she can be the diplomat of the crew. She has nowhere to go, and the best way to return to Alabasta and not be murdered is to join the strawhats and go to war with the WG.
She has nowhere to go; however, she’s currently prisoner in Morgan’s blimp. I doubt an underworld emperor is going to drop her off with Luffy for no reason

She doesn’t currently have a choice of where to go.
She has nowhere to go; however, she’s currently prisoner in Morgan’s blimp. I doubt an underworld emperor is going to drop her off with Luffy for no reason

She doesn’t currently have a choice of where to go.
prisoner?? Not really. But Oda can easily cook up a situation where she forces morgans to go to egghead or elbaf. She's strong willed. If she wants to go back to them then that's what she'll do no matter what.
prisoner?? Not really. But Oda can easily cook up a situation where she forces morgans to go to egghead or elbaf. She's strong willed. If she wants to go back to them then that's what she'll do no matter what.
If she’s in a place that she can’t leave, she’s basically a prisoner.

And yes she is, but right now there’s no way she’s going to force Morgan’s to take her to Elbaf.
Depends on the Underworld tbh. She is with Morgans, and the crew is with Stussy.

I can imagine the 6 emperors have a gathering place or since Morgans seems to have tapped into Egghead channels, he may know they are heading to Elbaf after.

Honestly i have no idea what is brewing at Elbaf.