Ryokugyu Tried to Capture Momo
Aokiji Tried to Capture Koby
Kizaru is Trying to Capture Vegapunk
Ryokugyu was Stopped by Shanks
Aokiji was Stopped by Garp
Kizaru is gonna be Stopped by Luffy
Momo Unlocked his Signature Attack "Blast Breath"
Koby Unlocked his Signature Attack "Honesty Impact"
Vegapunk gonna Unlock his Signature Attack "???"
Akainu's Target......
To complete this Pattern, Fujitora is going after Vivi most probably
She will Unlock her Fighting Style, and She is gonna be Saved by some Top Tier
Either Dragon, Mihawk or a New Character
PS: as for Akainu, imo We are gonna witness Rayleigh vs Akainu very soon