The difference is Yamato never looked better than Kaido. Garp looked better than Kuzan with every on panel exchange while being significantly weaker than his prime self. Again, Oda went out of his way to personally tell the readers that this isn’t prime Garp here, that guy’s a different beast. He couldn’t have worded it even clearer than that. Garp said he was also at half strength at one point in the preskip, an exaggeration most likely but it goes to show that their prime selves are significantly more powerful, bare minimum. He treats the old legends on a higher pedestal, he might as well draw them standing on a stool every time they make an appearance.
:kata:This guy gets it.
I don't understand how people can see Garp get stabbed and literally say before that that he's only half as powerful as he was in his prime, and still proceed to clash with Kuzan and blitz him.
I know they didn't go all out but neither was WB at full power
You know if Akainu has CoC and Awakening (which is highly possible) there's two whole ass PU's he didn't use right?

The power structure from MF to where is know change so much that MF Kizaru and Current Kizaru have different powerlevels for example.

Everything was still being built, from Haki concepts, to Awakening, it was fleshed out.

No you have Advanced Versions of Haki and other power concepts that other characters used that the admiral's didn't, make them feel more lackluster.

Now that we see what they are capable, using MF feats is a mistake.
how are people underestimating Kuzan when he was literally shown to be almost a prime Garp level fighter even without his op DF! like wtf, thats easily Top 3 in the verse.

just cause he didnt went berserk mode serious against his old mentor? he so clearly held back all the time... his portrayal was insane tho.
They try to pretend Kuzan was doing his best when in reality Garp was pointing out more than once how much Kuzan was holding back for being soft, given the circumstances of fighting his former mentor