No he is not he is Daifuku level is not Snack level or Ace level
Law who is on this level one shoted him its just Sanji who is weak not that Vergo is strong
Law didn't oneshot Vergo, go reread the fight... He used counter shock before on him
Plus, Smoker has been fighting him for quite a while and dealt some good blows
Same for Sanji
By the time Law did his final attack, it was basically an ALL OUT ATTACK for both, Vergo and Law, this is Oda wrapping up the fight of Vergo, and not intended to say "One shot"... cause again, Law did counter shock, a main move and said "it's no use"
That doesn't look to me like a one shot, unless you will just use the notion of "that final attack would have ended Vergo regardless"
In that same notion, I can also say:
Luffy finised Doffy with one attack
Luffy finished Cracker in One attack
Luffy finished Lucci in ONE ATTACK (Jet Gatling)
Luffy finished Moria in one attack
Luffy finished all his opponnets with one attack, where if he used it at beginning, he would have won regardless
That's the same fucking thing you ar doing to Vergo right now, you are ignoring ALL the fight that has been going and damage Vergo was getting from all three (Sanji's 2-3 hits - Smoker MANY HITS - Law's counter shock) and you're just reflecting on the final attack, which is basically both going all out trying to finish the fight...
Again, if you'll use that logic, I can use that WITH EVERY FIGHT IN ONE PIECE.... After this arc is finished, I will be also able to say, Luffy oneshotted Kaido, cause the last attack is what matters... LOL DOESN'T MAKE SENSE TO ME