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The only one who can beat me is me
So you think Sanji and Zoro will never reach top tier level?
Luffy will soon reach his peak level, idk why they can't catch up in the final war.

It's not like Luffy and his opponents can't ever reach peak and they will grow stronger to infinity.
I think they will, I just think if it's happening it's not gonna be 3 neat and pretty 1v1 battles happening all at the same time.

Mf couldn't get past Rayleigh , per statements and feats calm ur ass down
Why you keep using these out of order panels that got nothing to do with each other?

1. Kizaru was mad at Kuma for teleporting strawhats, not Rayleigh
2. It was Rayleigh who was trying to get to Strawhats, not Kizaru. Kizaru left his subordinates to deal with strawhts
3. Kizaru was fucking around with light sword, equivalent of Aokiji using ice sword
What you say about Cracker performing better than Doffy during WCI?
It was a fresh Cracker and Doflamingo blocked a Double Culverin without damage. He put up a fight against Bound Man with hakiless strings for 20 minutes.
Yes, Cracker did perform particularly well against Bound Man but you have to look at the bigger picture.
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